Studium nach dem Notfallsanitäter?

Hallo Freunde,

ich bin momentan in der Ausbildung zum Notfallsanitäter. Ich habe mich dafür entschieden weil es mir sehr viel Spaß macht. Das Problem ist, dass ich nie genug Geld verdienen werde um sorgenfrei eine Familie zu gründen.
Deswegen denke ich darüber nach nach meiner Ausbildung, noch ein Studium anzuschließen.
Hat jemand eine Idee, was sich da anbieten würde? (Medizin habe ich nicht vor)

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3 months ago

As a learned NFS, you don’t deserve so badly. My friend is also in the middle of the training (although more than a further training measure since he has already been trained RS since 2018) and, after completing the training, does not earn much. However, it is also related to the fact that he has been working in the rescue service for years and accordingly already has a somewhat higher grade than someone who may have re-entered.

In addition, I will also go to work if only on parttime and thus also bring money into the cash register (what else would never come into question for me personally as I do not want to make myself dependent on a man).

In the clear text, we are at 3.5-4k net with our two salaries when he is through the training. And you can feed a family very well.

3 months ago

Economic engineering offers a good salary and is relatively easy to study.

Whether it’s up to you, you can find out if you need NC or do a trial.