Studying university entrance qualification, criminology/criminalistics/criminal psychology?

Hello, I'll soon be finishing my training as a paralegal. Since I only have a secondary school diploma, I'm going to get my Fachabitur (university entrance qualification) or Abitur (university entrance qualification). I'm not sure which one yet. It depends on what course of study I'm pursuing.

My dream study is actually criminal psychology or criminology and to be able to communicate/work with other perpetrators and victims in my future career

Since this course of study is not possible in Baden-Württemberg, at the University of Heidelberg or Mannheim, I really don't know what to do anymore.

I find law too dry. I mean, I'm very interested in law, but not to this extent. And before the know-it-alls come along, I attended a lecture and thoroughly informed myself about it.

I've heard that you can study sociology or psychology with a focus on crime. Or if you have a bachelor's degree in that field, you can do a master's in criminology, etc.
but I'm not sure about that.

I'm primarily interested in criminal law. I'm less interested in economics, for example, business law.

Does anyone happen to have experience at a college or university in Mannheim or Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, or can tell me about their experiences? Perhaps someone has tips or ideas that might be of interest to me?

thanks in advance

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1 month ago

There are federal states in which a completed vocational training without additional professional experience is entitled to study in a degree programme close to the training.

See the provisions of each country on this page. It’s a bit laborious, but it can be worth it as in your case.