
Wie ist es, wenn man mit einem Studium beginnt, bekommt man anfangs noch kurz eine Wiederholung, um auf den Stoff entsprechend aufzubauen oder wird sofort mit neuem Stoff angefangen und gibt es zusätzlich zum theoretischen Stoff dann auch noch einen entsprechenden Praxisteil?

Wo man bei zb. Maschinenbau selbst Hand anlegen muss bzw kann?

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9 months ago

It all comes to the course of study. In particular, the subject, but also the individual course of study, i.e. the programme which the individual university has compiled with its resources and capacities.

at first you get a repetition to build up on the fabric accordingly or start with new fabric immediately

This can even be different from module to module. I had modules in the first semester, which basically consisted only in a repetition of the abitur substance. And other modules (in the same course of study!), where the lecturer started “They all have an Abitur or something equivalent, so the Abitur knowledge can be assumed to be given”.

In principle, the preliminary courses offered by the universities in the summer before the start of the study are more likely to be available for the repetition of the abitur substance.

And what you don’t know is what you learn, if you want. Studying means learning independently.

and in addition to the theoretical material there is also a corresponding practical part?

Generally, universities tend to have theoretical and colleges of applied sciences
more practical reference. simply because the first is the
The aim of the young scientists and the latter is to
to generate more qualified professionals for the economy.

But from the principle, a study is very theoretical; the purpose of studying is not to provide good practical skills. A study is (at least from the idea) a scientific education and science now consists of factual knowledge, source work, hypotheses, calculation, statistics…

Practical training is rather an additional didactic tool. Chemistry students make quite a lot of laboratory practice, mechanical engineering students make artisanal work placements, medical students make nursing internships… Above all, for all the learned theory not only stands in space as a theory, but also has a practical meaning. In this way, the doctor has an idea of how much work he does to the nurses if he shifts three patients between rooms with a single set.

But no one comes up with the idea that a doctor must be a good nursing force and no one can think that a mechanical engineer must be a good welder. All right, except for some people in the working world who have no idea what a study is aimed at.

In other fields, less practice is made, for example, a survey is made to learn how to evaluate a survey. For a history student, “practice” is also more about going to an archive and watching an original.

9 months ago

Here and then a little practice, but hardly because there are too many students.

A few months of external internship, starting with ropes and milling to quality assurance are mandatory. Every student must take care of it.

The main course is to write studies, which can be practical or theoretical work. The same applies to final work.

For all lectures, there are scripts or books after which is followed. You get used to it very quickly. Copy scripts and buy books at the beginning.