Is anyone here studying psychology?
I have a few questions. I have a GPA of 1.8. Do you think that gives me a chance of studying psychology somewhere in Germany?
I will be applying starting December 1st, but I'm really worried about whether I can have any hope.
I had a cut of 1.7 and went to Vienna (Austria). I cut off quite well during the recording test and am now in the master, so I can only recommend it. The University of Vienna is wonderful and the city is a dream. LG:)
Wow, I’m so happy for you!
I have to convince my family very much if only Vienna remains to be selected.
Can you improve your chances in admission procedures. The TMS of Psychology.
Is that similar to the Bapsy test?
That’s exactly him.
How cool 🙂 I knew him. But I missed the deadlines. I want to apply for the summer semester. The test was in May or April.
You should look around after several universities. Since you want to make your approbation later, you can’t go to any universities, because psychology isn’t the same as psychology. There are differences at universities. Find out more about the universities in Germany and their possibilities for later approval.
With 1.8 you will probably be in the waiting semester, but it is not impossible to get to his studies at (some) universities.
Psychology is free, doesn’t matter. Well, you can.
What? Hmm.
Yes, but it is chosen, of course, can be that you have a few waiting semesters but at 1.8.. you could do that. There are colleges without NC. Or go abroad..
@titzi4: Your answer is completely wrong!
Are you kidding me?
Or why do you write that?
Absolutely right, for our questioner, nothing.
Thank you!
… so, dear @neoromantics, fingers away from Fernunis and GENAU inform if the universities offer this special Bachelor+Master!
At Fernuni Hagen there is not the necessary psychotherapy master. At the moment there is no Fernuni this master, and it is the prerequisite to become a psychotherapist…
Not at the Fernuni Hagen.
Right, in Austria you can study without NC, but my family wouldn’t allow me to:D
No.In psychology there are more and more applicants than places, so there is a Nc everywhere in psychology.
Austria You can do a university chat later.