Studieren oder Handwerk?
Stimmt es, dass man nur erfolgreich sein kann wenn man entweder studiert, oder Handwerk macht?
Dann habe ich ein Dilemma, weil ich weder unbedingt studieren will, noch im Handwerk arbeiten will.
Also was bleibt mir sonst noch übrig? Gar nichts? Oder gibt es noch etwas dazwischen?
My dad had made a craft (mour) and after that he is back to school and now he does a lot of things
Hello Acceptor999/NotGronkh99/…
There’s nothing left to you. After all, you’ll stress this every day with dozens of jammer posts. You can’t do anything.
That is not true, there are other vocational training courses with which one has good opportunities. For example, in IT. If you have a few years of professional experience, no person asks if you have studied.
Success can be achieved in everything possible even if it is not always the same simple. You just have to be talented and try.
If you do not want to study or do something in the craftsmanship, then make an education in another area – for example cook and start a restaurant. You can make a lot of money yourself if you find cooking shit. You’re just talking about money. Gastro’s the right thing for you. In the gastro you can earn extremely much money with psychopathic working hours, burnout and despite hatred over food, because money is all in life nh
Gastro is badly paid.
if you knew.
but keep looking at the official tax office pay from German hostages
I say so, my cousin made 3 nice (in DE, not schewiz, of course. there you can count three. As I said, as a waiter, you don’t even need a training.
TG and because Gastro runs differently, coughs tax office lets greet
for drinking money?