Studieren oder eigene Tuning/Restauration/detailing Firma eröffnenen? Was denkt ihr was soll ich lieber machen?
Hallo schönen Tag, ich schreibe jetzt in den nächsten Wochen mein Abitur. Danach hatte ich vor einen Ingenieur Studiengang im Bereich KI und kognitive Systeme zu studieren. Jetzt aber habe ich eine Idee im Kopf, die ich schon seitdem ich klein bin durchsetzen will. Ich habe letztens ein Auto vollkommen restauriert und ich liebe es einfach an Autos und Motorrädern zu arbeiten. Ich würde damit gerne mein Geld verdienen und reich werden. Ich habe auch einen Plan wie ich das anstellen würde. Bin mir aber nicht sicher ob es ein guter Weg für die Zukunft ist, ich kenne mich auch sehr gut mit Computern und programmieren aus aber es ist nicht vergleichbar damit, wie sehr ich es liebe an alten Autos zu arbeiten. Was denkt ihr was soll ich lieber machen?
Tuning/Restoration: do you have any idea of this stuff?
Because you think about it uni or that. you have no idea and no person gives you his car worth 100,000€ and hopes that you will make any grading experience from it a car worth 150,000, let alone that he will leave you for 30,000.
So first learn the profession that fits to tuning, work in this and then in ten years can think about their own company
I don’t expect me to get such customers in the first years. Such people don’t even go to normal workshops. Besides, I already know about it, as I said, I completely restored my own car. There’s always a beginning where you learn. But learning professionally is in the sense nothing for what I want to do. If I make a training as a motor vehicle mechatronic, most of what I will do is replace oil changes and/or tire changes and perhaps even brakes. Everything takes time, and I don’t expect me to be particularly rich in it in the first few years. But by extinction of real cars, the idea of a restoration workshop is already something good. Besides, I love it. Besides, the beginning will be the cleaning of cars, for that I don’t have to learn anything I can do very well and there you get customers quickly and easily.
then try, if you are to understand that you have enough reserves to survive and also enough expertise
ABER one I can tell you: if I let my car do or restore and I come to the store and there is not a minimum of a master’s letter and training certificates…
a little overdramatize you can. All that is done must of course be removed from the tüv. Besides, if you’re always afraid of failing, you won’t come in life. I had already called many short-time jobs in different craftsmen, really hard is none of them
OK, if you’re equating misfitting with human life
Then just do it. I’m out of here too
that is their opinion, I am more worthy of the people and the qualtity of their work than an education. Especially today, where you can join yourself. I can have several porgram languages for this I never had to study computer science.
I would like to make my money and become rich
I would first find out with a very good business plan whether and how that would be possible at all.
as said, I would have had an approximate buissnisplan and a small company (dropshipping) I have already managed
Just so interesting:
What monthly fixed costs and what purchase costs do you expect? How high is your equity?
first of all, the start would only be covered by the detailing aspect until I could earn a lot to find a plan customer etc. I also have everything, equipment etc to make clean as well. Also for the other aspects I have any equipment as I said I have already restored my own car which has overtaken the engine car body welding, splashing and folk painting etc.. I wouldn’t have any other major purchase costs at first. For customer applications, for the beginning about 800 euro eigeplant are planned and at a job I earn about 100-250 euro