Studienplatzwechsel nach dem Physikum?
Hallo. Ich studiere aktuell Humanmedizin im 2. Fachsemester an der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. Da dieser Standort sehr weit von zuhause weg ist und ich grundsätzlich kein Fan von der Stadt, Uni etc. pp. bin, spiele ich mit dem Gedanken, nach Bestehen des Physikums nach Münster oder Göttingen zu wechseln, Hauptsache Norddeutschland. Ist das im Allgemeinen möglich oder braucht es da auch nen Hokuspokus in Richtung Tauschpartner etc. wie bei Wechseln in der VK, um wechseln zu können?
After the physicism, many are as you like and they want a new study site – because they couldn’t get their initial study site at the desired location or just get to know a new city. At this point in time, a change in the university is also the easiest, since all students in Germany (with the exception of those in the model courses) have exactly the same notes, whereupon a change in the university is very important.
Basically, you can apply at any time to another university for a higher semester. The chances for this are usually rather low, since as good as never a place of study is released (and at other times the acquired notes are also taken into account). In Münster, I wouldn’t make any hopes, so I’ve never been able to get a place. And in idolaters there are plenty of parts that hope for a place and stand in front of you in the rankings, and for which there are not enough places (if there are at all). Not a few are therefore attempting to take action in the higher semester;)
Therefore, it is recommended to try a exchange partner, if necessary also several for a ring exchange (e.g. Erlangen -> Göttingen -> Munich -> Erlangen). According to the physics, there are other conditions rather rare. You then report to your university, fill out the application, approve your university and you can reimmulate. The procedure is therefore not really more complicated than a direct application, but is significantly more promising.
What don’t you like about a swap?
In principle I have nix against a swap, only is the chance I don’t think very big that you find the right partner
You study in Erlangen and not in Greifswald or Jena 😉 ^^^
Muenster will actually be difficult, as there is hardly anyone here. But I think Göttingen is quite realistic.
On the one hand, you can search for a partner for a direct exchange or for several exchange partners for a ring exchange. Here it makes sense if you first find out those who want to swap from Göttingen and look at what they are looking for and whether you will find one or two more people for a ring exchange.
On Facebook there are several exchange groups where there are also regular posts, among which all those who want to have and exchange their physics at a certain time punt. You can also write your own mail and point to possible ring pigs.
I had also thought, after the physics, to change the city and actually got all my wishes in some way. I decided differently, but after physics around 50% new students from other universities were suddenly there
Just try it!
Many thanks for the detailed comment, which is quite encouraging 🙂
in the end you have two options to choose from.
That would be the normal Course exchange – with exchange partners – or Application to a higher semester.
In the latter case, only one place must be free in the desired semester – and there must be no “better” applicants; in this case, high school admission restrictions apply.
What do you think about the second point? So just that I am a graduate of the 4th. Do you have to apply for the 5th semester?
Exactly (or in principle also for every other semester after the first).
Thank you