Studentenleben oder interessanteren master wählen?
Hey zusammen, muss demnächst eine wichtige Wahl treffen, dabei geht es darum wo ich meinen Master mach.
Und zwar ist der Master in meiner Heimatstadt schon sehr interessant von den Fächern und auch das was ich mir später mal evtl vorstellen könnte zu machen (IT sicherheit, wobei man da mit dem allgemeinen info bachelor den ich habe auch chancen hat).
Auf der anderen Seite habe ich die stadt satt wo ich wohne da man hier kein Studentenleben hat und ich gerne mal in einer anderen stadt wohnen und mehr Freiheit haben würde und dort einfach so viel mehr geboten wäre (rede von München). Könnte mir auch vorstellen danach dann einfach dort zu arbeiten, aber dann hat man halt weniger Zeit für schöne Aktivitäten und evtl. lernt man nicht so schnell gleichaltrige kennen, die auch gerne mal feiern gehen…(aktuell bin ich 24)
Würde einfach mal ganz gerne eure Meinung hören, vllt hat der ein oder andere ja ein paar gute Ratschläge parat 🙂 würde mich freuen
Very difficult decision.
On the one hand, I would say, take the course you really love and bring you something.
On the other hand, I have learned too often in the circle of friends how demotivating the wrong city and the few social contacts can be (which does not have to be, you can also find friends there etc…).
If you think that the Master in Munich will bring you something for working life, I would rather choose the more interesting city.
But I’d focus on your choice. If the Master in your hometown gives you better chances, I would choose it. And also financially will make you feel better in your hometown. But I think that’s secondary.
Thank you for the answer, it is often hard to weigh up on the future, but I know what you mean:)
Finding the exciting master is somehow more important, at least for me. Do you want to have fun learning or not? Sure, Munich is super nice, but that’s just the two of me. Choice, I guess you’ll live longer. Besides, you still have your friends at home.
Thank you for the answer, yes I’ve thought of it before…
A master at a university other than the university at which you have made your bachelor comes to some employers better.
As you describe it, you can build and network a lot more new contacts, especially in Munich. So if you can manage it financially then quite clearly Munich
Thanks for the answer, yes networking is definitely an important point there you are right…
It should be about studying and not about the city where you study
Many houses, university, clubs etc.
I can’t imagine. The “Studentenleben” looks like this: In the morning, lectures, after which exercises, in the evening exercise sheets reckon or prepare reports, etc. When you’re done, eat briefly and sleep. Working on weekends and during the semester holidays, learning to prepare, prepare.
It should be pretty much no matter where you are. Except that in Munich the rents are higher, so you have to work even more to somehow get the rent together.
Well, depending on the subject of the study, it might be quite irrelevant if you go “for a party” – because more than 1-2 times a semester you don’t get to it anyway. If you finally get through with his stuff late in the evening, there’s hardly anyone else who wants to celebrate big, especially if you have to get out early the next day anyway. At least it was with us.
Therefore: Study what is interesting! And beat these ideas of “student life” out of your head, studying is not an American college movie.
But I think that’s what I heard.
I think that is exactly what the questioner does not want. If my student life had looked like this, I would have been thrown after a semester.
Well, I don’t know. It wasn’t the same for my fellow students. And I studied in a well-known city. Those who held it differently – they were gone after 1-2 semesters
Thanks for the answer, in fact, I’ve been very well in the Bachelor’s degree with learning intensively 3-4 weeks before the exams and only attending the lectures before, but you’re right to imagine the possibly more beautiful than it actually is