Möchte mal wissen von Frauen und Männern die gerne Strumpfhosen tragen ob ihr eure Strumpfhosen lieber zu Röcken , Kleidern oder unter Hosen tragt. Egal welche Jahreszeit. Trage meine Feinstrumpfhosen gerne unter Jeanshosen oder Shorts. Schon mal Danke.
I almost always wear pantyhose. Under long trousers you don’t need to look so much like the rest of the clothes.
Hey, don’t you wear skirts and dresses anymore?
I wear skirts and dresses, but not exclusively.
most practical. there’s nothing better for me.
You’re right. I’d like to wear fine tights. But in the case of skirts, society is quite divided. It doesn’t seem like a big city, but in a small town.
All can wear skirts and dresses. You just have to want it – because it’s not forbidden!
I envy you or all women in general to wear skirts and clothes.
Under long pants I always have a pantyhose, but I also wear a short pants, a skirt or rarely a dress.
Hi. To a skirt or dress comes a fine tights really nice to gel. I’m always looking beautiful.
You can’t say that. Surely the most common is simply under the pants. But in some cases, it’s also that I wear it to the skirt or dress.
But what I just love, even though you may not always do it, is always different.
To a skirt – mini skirt but also like longer skirts / dresses and also trousers. The 20den are my favorite and most pleasant. I like the wonderfully delicate feeling :))
Hi. Also wear the 20den fine tights and also enjoy the fine nylon on the skin. Lg
I have already written that I like to wear them to everything and most of them in 20den – But quite noble are of course those with 15den!!! And why shouldn’t a man wear what a woman wears! No matter whether lingerie and whatever!!! DOH DIR WOMEN SOWIESO REVENUE TO SOWIESO SCHON SEIT GEFÜLT EMIGER ZEIT – AND SIEHT AUCH GEIL AND SEXY AUS! I find it!!! I love both!! And that’s why you’re not gay or what I know….!!! So look out!
I only own a jeans. You’ll always see me in dress or skirt, and fine tights just belong to me. I still have 2 as a replacement with me, there were times I needed them.
Why did you need the two? 😉
Running stitches are placed on a bench and do not pay attention to whether there were small damages and remained stuck when standing up. Martin always had pants, but Martina had to learn a lot. I don’t know if it was ci’s girl, I didn’t talk to my sister or girlfriends about it, I’m gonna have to catch up soon.
At home, where I’ve lived my girl for three years, it wasn’t a problem, they kept forever.
normal enough 1 as a replacement.
Probably too long fingernails.
I don’t have any problems with this today.
I’m dressed in public with 16 for the first time as a woman. At the time, I’ve destroyed a lot. Often I didn’t even know when and where, and the trauma is still very deep.
You’ll do everything right. It’s very nice that you’re good and happy with it.
Right, I’m happy to live my emotional life, to be able to live, and to enter the crowd. Even my voice, which is a little deeper, does not irritate most people.
Hello dear Martina, you see, has brought something. Exercise is a master. With your size it is not bad to get something matching. You even get your mother’s approval. You can hide the so-called wombble. There are enough possibilities. lg marlies
Yeah, they always said that to Mom and my sister. S 38/40 is the correct size, unfortunately only 161 cm at 54 Kg. But as I said, the problem has actually been resolved. Normally, there is no need for a replacement, has survived in 2024 without running, I am now a real woman, says Mama, except for what is down there and my husband anyway.
Dear Martina, carefully dress and pay attention to correct size in the fine spider is important. Washing in the laundry net
The women I saw weren’t really noticed. But two as a replacement are very advisable. You’re women. And the men are making fun of it. Because we don’t know better. 🙂
If you’re hanging on what’s happening to me lately, you’ll notice. I don’t have any problems with it either, but I don’t have any problems with it, but that always has 2 replacements with it, if I don’t have them, I’ll keep thinking if I don’t have any running mesh. When we go out, my husband always asks; Land case packed; Do not forget the wardrobe. 😁
Right. To a skirt or dress it is of course really annoying. And if you don’t notice it yourself, it’s really stupid. Have seen women with treads more often who hadn’t noticed it themselves.
They’re still hidden under pants, but in the skirt, it’s not possible.
Yeah, right. These fucking running shits. Every time you don’t need them you have one and you don’t realize it yourself at times. They’re not always so top. It’s with me as a man as with you. Lg
I always show my tights with short pants or skirt or dress only finestrumphosene mom is slightly too cold but thermo that had a 20 appearance that today was not too cold
I wear fine tights to dresses or skirt, sometimes I wear a festive dress also nylon stockings with stockings, so I live my wife at some time when I decided to miss out on the man
I also wear pantyhose when the weather requires. From thin cotton tights to thick thermostump pants I have everything possible in the drawer. Almost all the women’s tights are for price reasons. They’re good for me, too.
I wear my tights to jeans, shorts, kilos or skirt depending on the ge-samtoutfit. Here I look at a masculine picture.
Do you like to explain or show me the masculine picture?
Thanks in advance
I don’t like FSH. Then prefer those who are similar to the fabric of leggings. Wear these either under skirt and dress, but also to jeans shorts.
Hey, everybody like he wants it. What kind of stuff? Don’t wear leggings.
Only wear skirts and dresses but all year round with tights under
Hi. Find it nice to wear skirts and clothes with tights. 👍Oft isn’t that anymore. Lg
Always wearing rock pants I almost have no
We almost wear the same strengths.
Autumn winter thermal tights
Summer mostly 25 30 dn
And what the number in the Wintrr or Summer? From 15den to 80den.
Wear always ne pantyhose under the skirt in summer as winter
You happy. I’m just pants. But fine tights under it.
have almost no pants left
I personally also find this a skirt with a fine tights more elegant and chic than a pants.
Tights I wear (m 66J) only as thermal tights in winter under my skirts, in the warmer months I prefer under my skirts fine stockings on straps
So am I. Currently I wear to the almost floor-length jeans skirt pleasantly warm thermo tights by Tchibo. It says “women” on it, but there’s also a man in it. And this also goes with shorter skirts.
I also don’t care if there’s “women” or “men” pantyhose on it, it’s just that the pantyhose fit
It depends.
Until a short time, I’ve worn nylons under my pants… because it’s less noticeable. I’m wearing nylons like that. Then to a dress…;-)
I find myself really good.👍
Thank you
I wear tights a day. Mostly for skirts or dresses. If it is very cold or extremely wet, then also under long trousers. But now, of course, wool tights and some warmth under it.
If it gets cold then pantyhose is time for me, for years under long pants or running under the sports leg! I’ve been wearing skirts since the latest, and I’ve been wearing fine tights because it looks good
In the deepest winter, when it is once again saukalt,
I’m wearing cuddly-poor boys tights under the jeans.
it looks very beautiful
And warms well:)
I know that’s why I wear pantyhose in the apartment
I’m always dressing only knitted tights, and actually always under the pants. And also only in autumn/ winter.
I really don’t have fine tights.
Greetings Ludwig
I only wear pantyhose in winter.
thick cotton or knit rib tights.
but quite varied.
In the apartment I wear pantyhose to the t-shirt
but I also wear it under my pants
and I also wear tights to shorts.
Find a opaque tights to a shorts very comfortable. You know, jeans are more than 20ths.
As a homewear pantyhose with T-shirt, longshirt, hoodie or body are fully portable.
I find the variant with long trousers and skin-colored fine tights more beautiful.
Wear fine tights in any weather. I don’t have men’s stockings at home either. I wear every day fine tights never go without. The dressing of fine tights is just part of it in the morning.
As an everyday laundry as I also manage it
Only to dresses and skirts and leggings under trousers (if cold)
I’m wearing them only in winter and only under pants. At home then often without pants. But only knitted tights.
I feel the same at home, but sometimes I also buy shorts for my pantyhose.
Under long and short trousers, often fully visible at home. Pantyhose are cool also for men.
That’s right. POWERS are practical and portable for all. 👍
Hey, Moin, who was the first to wear pantyhose and was riding through the forest?
Did he ask someone if it’s okay in pantyhose😜 So keep fun.
LG Clown
I find pantyhose you can wear to everything.
I fully agree with you. It is also very attractive with a thinner fine tights. Lg
So I’m just wearing clothes or skirts. Not under pants. But the 20DEN always tears me right. 😂
Oh. Where are they going? I just had to ask. 🙄
With me, 20ths are always broken. I’m always hanging with the fingernails. Or maybe something else
Yeah, just like I did. Sometimes just wear on the shoes or dress the fine tights. From 30th fine tights there are already a bit more robust.
In winter under the pants, dresses and skirts I don’t wear so often. If it’s warmer, I’m wearing knee stockings.
Wear pantyhose under long pants.
Home only in pantyhose.
Right now.
Also like to wear my fine tights under trousers or sometimes shorts. Why now?
Yes, but I have to buy some more
Pantyhose more to skirts and dresses.