Stromsparmodus immer an?
Ich habe ein Iphone 15, welches ich jetzt seit anderthalb Jahren habe. Meine Akkukapazität liegt bei 92% nach 260 Ladezyklen. Mit Stromsparmodus verliere ich ca alle 5-7min 1%. Ohne habe ich noch nicht getestet.
Ist es überhaupt sinnvoll den Stromsparmodus ständig an zu stellen?
As Apple writes, the power saving mode excl. to save power when you use your iPhone not in foreseeable time can load. And it’s only worth under 20% residual charge.
So, in my opinion, Android doesn’t matter.
Android usually has a better battery
In doubt, always take a power bank.
So, when it comes to Android, it is so that the apps are not always synchronized in the background, so they don’t always look if new information is there and I think the processor speed is turned down a bit and the image repetition rate is also turned down.
At the moment I come out without, just wanted to know how much this brings or whether this is even harmful in the long term