
Ich wollte mein ladekabel in die steckdose stecken aber mein finger war zwischen dem silbernen teil und an der steckdose und davon habe ich jetzt am linken Arm bizeps trizeps schmerzen.

Was sollte ich tun.

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2 years ago

This should not be technically possible. You cannot touch the contacts of a plug as soon as they are stuck in the socket in the voltage-carrying contacts. And you won’t get your fingers in the holes of a socket. Unless the plug is snapshot or the cover of the socket is defective.

If you actually have a power stroke with 230V (simplifying all muscles in the entire body accompanied by a very strongly tingling feeling), you are now potentially at risk of life. The 50 Hz of our power grid are extremely unhealthy for the heart and can interfere with the frequency of it. In the vast majority of cases, the heart rhythm disorders caused by such a power surge are not perceptible and disappear after some time, but in rare cases can lead to heart chamber flocculation up to 48 hours after the power surge. If this happens, you will be fainted and will be mausetot within a few minutes without quick help by a first aider or rescue staff.

Can I shower now?

Can you do so, you take the risk of even more stressing the heart by changing the temperature, which is certainly not beneficial for the decay of the heart rhythm disorders.

If you were to go according to the safety regulations, you would have to go to a doctor immediately (of course not drive yourself) and make an EKG.

2 years ago

Schuko sockets are “finger-proof” because even a baby does not come up with tension-carrying elements without aids such as plug pins.

The same applies to plugs, whether plugs or flat plugs. The plugs are so worked that they only get contact in the socket when all the voltage-carrying parts (rods) are no longer touchable.

I would rather like to point out that you were statically charged, for example, by a carpet and then unloaded at the socket via one of the protective contact tabs. More than the little lightning as when touching a car door, I guess there won’t be.

2 years ago

The nostalgic socket for a Schuko socket, as it has been installed for decades and where it can’t happen, can be swapped so that it doesn’t happen again….

2 years ago
Reply to  Beatpeter

Everyone wonders how to make this a European one!