Stromgenerator Leistungssteigerung?
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Ich habe den schappach BGT 2800
Wie der Name schon sagt schafft er 2800 watt gibt es Möglichkeiten ihn leistungs stärker zu machen zb von 2800w auf 3000-3200?
Schönen guten Tag
Ich habe den schappach BGT 2800
Wie der Name schon sagt schafft er 2800 watt gibt es Möglichkeiten ihn leistungs stärker zu machen zb von 2800w auf 3000-3200?
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Hallo, kann mir jemand sagen was die eingekreisten Werte bedeuten auf der Pumpe. Finde dazu nichts. Lg vielen dank
You can “freeze” anything like that. It’s just the question how long the thing lasts before it breaks. An hour? Two? Maybe a few days?
“cheap” devices are already so high at work that they survive the warranty period.
There’s a rule of thumb in “peace”. 10% more can halve the service life – unless it is almost immediately broken. Depends on how much the device is oversized, which is never the case nowadays.
You need a stronger device.
I got my parents two inverters. They generate DC voltage and have a built-in inverter. The inverter does not matter where the current comes from and is twice as strong as the generator itself. You can push two of them together with “laboratory ribs”.
Then you can start the second and switch off the first for refueling without the current being interrupted. If you need more power you both run and then you can draw twice as much power from one of the two inverters.
Primarily, I chose this because this means a pump that prevents the cellar from running fully. If one of the generators fails, you can start the other and you don’t need to kill anything. Also, one still has electricity when one of the inverters is broken and the generator/motor on the other. So this is more than double redundancy.
The device is built, tested and approved for this performance.
There will be a small tolerance to the top. But with a lasting 14% more power by manipulation, a safety element will respond with great probability or the generator will burn through.
You could install a stronger engine and a more powerful light engine, but for the price you can also buy a stronger generator.
1. It’s Scheppach.
Two. Don’t do that.
You’ve got a burner that drives a light engine.