Strom tödlich?

Ab 50ma ist Strom ja tödlich. Aber wie kann das sein, dass man bei extrem hohen Spannungen (10000V) nicht stirbt? Wenn ich jemanden mit einem Elektroschocker erwische dann passiert dem ja nichts (außer dass er sich erschreckt). Aber bei 10000V und 1000ohm Körperwiderstand kommt ja relativ Stromstärke zusammen, welche ja tödlich ist? Was genau rechne ich da falsch, muss man da noch einiges berücksichtigen?

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11 months ago

Voltage is not equal to current.

Up to 0.5mA are considered unconditionally harmless.

When you take damage depends on the current density in the body and the duration of action.

At 0.5 mA fed in at the usual points with which one can touch current normally does not form a current density which is dangerous.

Healthy, dry skin is very stress resistant. The so-called leather skin conducts as well as no current until a certain tension is exceeded, the leather skin is pierced and then a strong current can flow. According to standard, up to about 60V should still be made of dry skin.

A grazing fence and electric shock can not work without great tensions. They’re supposed to smash clothes, skin and skin. If you were to apply a stressable tension, it would be either ineffective or very quickly fatal.

Thus, the current is limited, in the simplest case a resistor is used which then limits the current to a maximum of 0.5 mA even if the electrodes are short-circuited.

The high-voltage source then supplies 1000V or more, but it only arrives at the electrodes when no current flows. As soon as current flows across the resistor voltage drop. At least so much that under 0.5mA can flow.

This means that if skin, skin and clothing are broken, then the tension collapses to a very small value and it hardly flows electricity.

11 months ago
Reply to  Seal6

The 15kV are the idle voltage. In the case of a closed circuit, this is not achieved. The voltage rises only until the circuit is closed by a spark or otherwise.

The thing isn’t a nuclear power plant capable of producing mega- and gigawatts. Although you have a power of a few hundred watts for a short time, they only work a microsecond at best. Energy is now power × time, lots of power but almost no time are then hardly energy.

That the power of a flash can supply a million city with power, that’s true. Power, not energy. I cannot imagine that the million city is satisfied with about 10μs of electricity.

Under the most favourable conditions, a lightning arrester gets the highest 10kWh. So the energy of 10 car batteries. In total, about 300kWh are released in a flash, but this is the entire energy that is released in the air as light and bang as well as other energy forms.

11 months ago
Reply to  Seal6

The current is limited by simply not much charge there that could flow.

11 months ago

I had an almost completely broken gas heater. The things have really wums, you also notice how hard you have to press the button down. That’s the amount of energy he gets to make electricity.

In any case, the almost broken igniter was ideal to leave the open. The thing was a cylinder with a button on it. Everyone gets curious and plays with rum. And clicks so beautiful. But after 20 to 50 clicks, it works exceptionally, and the thing is 100× stronger than the things from the lighters.

11 months ago

The shocker may provide a very high voltage. However, the circuit is not decisively determined by the body resistance of the victim, but by the internal resistance of the device. And the “shock” is just a tiny impulse with a duration of several thousandths of seconds. Before a dangerous current flow could occur at all, the voltage has already collapsed.

11 months ago

Because these electric shockers, as well as the grazing fence devices, only emit very, very, very small currents.

11 months ago
Reply to  Seal6

After billing, you could supply the whole world with a small battery if a withdrawn stream would not affect the voltage.

Everything has a certain maximum power.