Strom selber machen
Ich möchte meinen Strom selbst erzeugen.
Jeder kennt ja das Prinzip des Dynamo am Fahrrad.
Um Geld zu sparen aber auch für meine Fitness möchte ich mir was mit meinem Fahrrad basteln für Zuhause womit ich meinen Fernseher und Licht mit Strom versorgen kann.
Meinen Kühlschrank lass ich an der Steckdose.
Schließlich läuft er schon seit 16 Jahren und hat eine so fette Eisschicht drauf das ich mir sorgen wegen Wasserschaden mache wenn der unkontrolliert Abtaut.
Wieviel Dynamos weder ich ungefähr brauchen für mein vorhaben?
Und kann ich das von mir erzeugte Licht nochmal für Solarzellen aufzuladen benutzen um meine Stromerzeugung dadurch zu optimieren?
Falls ich zuviel Strom erzeuge, kann da der Fernseher kaputt gehen oder kann ich den an die Stadtwerke verkaufen oder Gutschreiben lassen?
I built it. but it is still in need of optimization. You’ll be amazed at how little it’s worth when you have a balcony comes more electricity through solar than when you’re strampling.
What you need
I don’t have a balcony.
You can make continuous power in about 100 watts this way if you are reasonably fit. Television gets close with it, LED lamps are no problem
Can never be operated without memory anyway. Therefore, it does not matter. Can also kick 1 watt for 10 years and then consume 3650 watts a day.
My TV is LED!!!
Besides, I’m going to change with my neighbor who wanted to start sports anyway.
There was an experiment like that before.
There were 200 very sweating when the Wachwurde family…
My proposal has been for years to remodel the gyms on equipment with generators, then the at least what good would do…
You can’t. 100W and even that not for a long time. Then there are still losses due to inverters, generators there is no longer much left. That’s enough for a TV, and whoever you slow down is out of the thing again.
Wouldn’t work, you’d make too little for that, with a bike it’s enough, but it’s not feasible for the household, so much energy you can’t produce yourself.
Not for the whole household, only TV and light!!!
Can you forget, colleague once tried to make up to 30 watts and was fixed and finished after almost 10 minutes
However, light should not work over the usual budgetary approach, but would then only have sparkling light, as mentioned, power generation by body power is the inefficient variant of power generation that exists, television and light would no longer work
Even that’s not enough.
I’ve built it.
Wouldn’t leave me anyway, man will never be able to surpass the technology, at least in terms of energy production and power.
That would be possible only I don’t know if you don’t need any permissions to put a wheel in the property
I didn’t say that a dynamo doesn’t work but the yield is less than the effort, and no I don’t work at the city works
OK, maybe I’ll do something with wind power….
You don’t get far by bike dynamos. If you need to have a regulated generator. A bike dynamo creates 6V and 3W… If you really use it, you need to create 50 dynasmos for 150W. But then you only have 6V. You have to get up to 230V. For this you need an inverter/ transformer. These have losses. So you have to create about 180W to use 150W. So more Dynamos. If you had to strangle 150W at the EKG, you should know how exhausting this is. And it doesn’t matter if you use many dynasmos (which also have friction losses on the wheel), or a correct generator (which usually has to have at least 500 rpm, or even more depending on the version)… It becomes exhausting with all kinds of production. You need to create the mechanical power first so that it can be converted into electrical power. And it costs strength and stamina… You have to generate the speed and power constant as long as you need the power. 5 minutes trample and 20 minutes look is not… Otherwise, you will have to create and store it in advance…
I have the suspicion that he is only realistic and has the corresponding technical understanding… 😉
If light does not work, I wonder what a dynamo is on the bike.
And: Bernhard built it himself as you can read.
( Probably with too little dynamism I guess)
Sorry, but I have the strong suspicion you’re working at the municipal works.