Strickpulli zerschneiden und umnähen?

Geht das? Kann ich die gefransten enden irgendwie vernähen oder sowas, dass die sich nicht weiter ausfransen? Der Pulli ist relativ eng aneinander “gehäkelt” (?) Ich hab kein Plan von Nähen, also wenn es eine Möglichkeit gibt vielleicht direkt YT Tutorial mitverlinken Dankeschön schonmal 🙂

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2 years ago but did not try it yourself yet, do it only if you can live with it that it is broken xD much success

2 years ago

It is difficult to explain without image of the french ends.

In principle, I would sew a narrow or wide fabric band (patterned or unpatterned).

In any case, it is no longer ribbing.

2 years ago
Reply to  mamschki

I don’t think it’s difficult to explain, I’ve done something like that, without a fabric band, went optimally.

2 years ago

theoretically, it goes, but as a layman I would leave my fingers away

If you do something wrong, the complete sweater will ribb and you only have threads in your hand

2 years ago

Yeah, that’s all right.