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1 year ago

Either you try to write the data directly on the card into a QR code (can be generated directly online) or you write a system with e.g. SvelteKit, in which the customers incl. CustomerID will be stored and print on the card later the ID as a bar or QR code.

1 year ago

Sure, I can.

Either by writing the data directly into the code (may be too large for some codecs) or by applying a database with name, first name, address and ID and then writing this ID into the bar code.

1 year ago
Reply to  mat22

Normally, you want to save the data centrally to make counterfeiting more difficult.

1 year ago
Reply to  W00dp3ckr

Jupp, that’s true – I’d always do it.

It just seemed to me that the questioner had the intention to print the data directly into the barcode, which is also possible. If you’d be stupid to lose the card, then everyone gets his address.

1 year ago

Sure, just do it. What are you trying to prevent?