Streusalz giftig?

Hallo, Draußen hat es in unserer Gegend geschneit. Jetzt haben die Ganzen Leute , wie es hier bei uns so üblich ist , mir Streusalz und Kies Dermaßen übertrieben dass die Ganzen Wege voll sind. Da es dann dadurch getaut hat und dann wieder fror, bin ich paar Mal fast ausgerutscht und habe dabei etwas Streusalz aufgetreten, das vielleicht in meinen Schuh / an die Hose kam. Ich wollte fragen ob das vielleicht giftig sein könnte wenn es dann in Kontakt mit meiner Haut kam oder wenn ich einen Kratzer an der Haut hatte. VG

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2 months ago

Scatter salt is usually not toxic, but can irritate and dry the skin as it contains a high salt concentration

2 months ago

No, the stray salt consists of sodium chloride, could possibly cause small skin irritations, as simple bepanths melt on it and finish. Toxic is not.

2 months ago

Tausalz is not poisonous! As a rule, it consists of a compartment of the salt mining which consists predominantly, i.e. to more than 95%, of NaCl, i.e. sodium chloride. It is hygroscopic, attracts water, as it wants to dissolve and dilute and dips up to -20°C ice.

The salt solution flows through the road drains into the road drainage systems and into the flood, i.e. streams and rivers and finally into the sea.

Dry salt solution on your shoes and your clothes, forming white spots that you can wash out with water.

If salt solution comes to your skin, just rinse it under running water! 😊

2 months ago

it can increase blood pressure, which could strain the body and even lead to death.