Streit mit dem Vater?
Hallo ich bin männlich und 16
ich war am Wochenende mit Einverständnis der Mutter für 2 Tage in Berlin .
heute rufte mein Vater an und frage mich nach meinem Geld Beständen , ich sage das ich nichts mehr habe (ich habe 300€ von 500€ die ich hatte in der Spielhalle verspielt) und versuchte mich rauszureden.
doch er wusste ganz genau das ich zocken war und hat mir sofort untersagt nochmal nach Berlin zu fahren egal aus welchem Grund und warum ich mich nicht gemeldet habe .
er hat dann behauptet das ich nicht ans Telefon gegangen bin obwohl er nichtmal bei mir angerufen hat .
ich solle nicht so tun als wenn ich 18 wäre und machen könnte was ich wolle , ich weiß er würde mich zwar niemals schlagen aber er ist wohl wütend und enttäuscht .
obwohl sich meine Mutter über meine Rückkehr gefreut hat ist mein Vater enttäuscht .
es geht hierbei wohlgemerkt nur um das verspielte Geld also diese 300€ für die ich selbst gearbeitet habe und es nicht das Geld meiner Eltern war .
ich weiß ich habe mit 16 nichts zu suchen in solchen Hallen aber ich bin halt abhängig wegen IHM, er hat mir als Kind schon gezeigt wie Automaten funktionieren.
ich hatte schonmal einen Streit mit meiner Mutter früher mit einer anderen Sache und das hat darin geendet das ich freiwillig ins Kinderheim gegangen bin und das selbe überlege ich gerade schon wieder .
You can’t blame your father. Thanks to my father, I know more about PCs, etc. but if I still want to, let’s say, go towards automechanics or if I were extravagant I could take just as good dance lessons or what I know. It always depends on you what you want to do.
And if the addiction has been packing you for a long time, then I would have distracted myself or go to therapy. to a search advice and try to solve the problem. Because addiction is in no way advantageous. It’s never been, no matter what kind of addiction. And once you’ve got 300€, it’s not a little bit. Even if it’s your own money. You’re 16 and you’re so easy. What if you were over 18 and manage your own household? Are you going to keep your whole money out and end up on the street? Because believe me.. nowadays it is no longer easy to keep your well-deserved money with you as long as you have many expenses like for food, clothes, rent, electricity, etc. It’s coming!
As long as someone can help you financially, it’s okay, but then you ask yourself for how long? Listen to your father and definitely let you help! Your father is just disappointed because you don’t help yourself. Give yourself a jerk and, if necessary, let your father or mother help you out this addiction together. You’ll have a better feeling as soon as you get rid of this addiction. You don’t even say that you should never go to a gambling hall (even if it were healthier) but you should only enjoy it in dimensions and not bet everything you have and not so often. Keep strong, put your will through and don’t give up!
Good luck and everything!
Very good answer!
Your father is rightly disappointed, he helps you get out of this addiction, and if the addiction starts with 16 it’s not nice.
The best thing is to put you together with your parents and talk about you need help, best you go to a search advice.
Even if you’ve made the money yourself and it’s your decision, it can end bad for you in later life.
And no… nothing of it is exaggerated, you can spoil your life so easily.
So help you, along with your parents.
All right, I can understand him.
It’s a lot less about whose money you’re stalking, it’s about causing so much money. Such bad financial decisions can drive one, especially if one is at some point, absolutely into ruin. And to see that your own child seems to fall into a game addiction in so young years (300€ times zoomed) is of course already violent. He’ll take care of himself.
And it’s probably that you tried to get out at the beginning.
Talking about it really had no sense
You messed up, and your father’s mad and worried, that’s completely understandable. Probably also because he has a problem with it himself, and accusations make you fixed.
That you’re dependent on is what you’re using now as an excuse. Still, it’s all your own choice to go to gambling halls.
That there is a certain thrill you like that many have nothing to do with dependence.
Your father just tries to protect you and get you away from your addiction. You should find help.
I appreciate that too
What is the question?
You have a starting addiction problem with 16 (!) now. And you’re old enough to don’t put it comfortably on your father. Your choices are your choices.
But why is he disappointed with me
Well, well, because you’ve got your money.
Because gambling addiction is something for losers
You are no longer a small child and you know exactly why your father is disappointed with you and your behavior.
I think he’ll be the same with your four weeks of permanent arrest. Maybe you needed the shot before the bug so that you can still change your life and 4 weeks alone in the cell and separated from others will surely become soul-very unlustful for you.
Maybe even without phone and TV, you have a long time to think.
he said it can’t go on like this and he’ll talk to my mother tomorrow
You should go voluntarily to addiction instead of to the children’s home. You obviously can’t solve yourself with your addiction.
Even if your father was wrong at the time, do not blame him for your behavior with 16.
The sooner you take responsibility for your life and become free of play, the better this is for your further life.
And I think you know that yourself
You better go to a search counseling. A home won’t bring you much – when I get out of your FT. Game addiction is something bad – I think. That’s money for nothing. So get help.