Straykids konzert in deutschland stimmt es?

Ich hab in Google gelesen ,dass in August SKZ ein Konzert in Berlin machen will , ich finde aber keine Ticket nur für Frankreich in Paris also ist es eine Lüge? Wenn nicht kann jemand mir eine Website schicken wo ich das kaufen kann weil suche seit eine halben Stunde und nop noch nicht

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2 years ago

So I didn’t hear from Berlin and nobody said anything official about it. But in Paris, Music Bank will take place in April and skz and other groups will be there. I don’t know if there’s tickets for it

2 years ago
Reply to  Strayruru4ever

I would look at ticketmaster and if there is nothing on the German website then look at the French website! You could also look at ebayk to see if someone sells his tickets, but you have to watch for scam.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yuna08162

For Music Bank there are only VIP tickets that cost around 300-400€ and for the lollapalozza Festival in July a day ticket costs 86€ believe. At you can purchase

1 year ago


through my two girls, I only know about 2 concerts throughout Europe in 2024.

12.07. Milan, Italy and 14.07. London

Look here:

I hope I could help.

1 year ago

Sorry, my answer should be under a different post, but fits in with you too 😊