Strange animals in our rain barrel
Hey, I was just outside and saw some strange animals swimming around in our rain barrel. they are quite small, white and have a tail at the back. they are really disgusting :! I first thought that they were eye animals but they are green and not white ;D. Can you tell me what kind of “things” they are?
Could be the larvae of mist beenes, so-called “shadow-tail larvae”, which already look very comfortable.
Yes, they are.Thank you
Could be mosquito larvae. If you want to get rid of these simply give one or two spoons of vegetable oil to the water and is calm. The larvae can no longer pluck and the danger of lancing is banished.
possibly mosquito larvae when they look like here:
They don’t look that way.They’re in here a bit bigger and wider
in the case of a broken line,
Oral larvae?
wig larvae!
“Really” is not a sufficient description. but probably it’s just mosquito larvae
Are they so a little round and so??
Yes a bit:D