Strahlentherapie bei Fersensporn?
Wie lange zieht sich so eine Therapie? Wie viele Sitzungen werden benötigt?
Wie lange zieht sich so eine Therapie? Wie viele Sitzungen werden benötigt?
Hallo, ich hab mich am Wochenende ziemlich heftig beim Rasieren geschnitten. Heute war es da unten angeschwollen und alles schmerzt. Ich denke, dass ich zum Arzt gehen sollte. Allerdings hat meine Frauenärztin erst in einem Monat wieder Termine. Kann man mit sowas zum Hausarzt?
Hallo ich bin 16 Jahre alt und habe seit heute in der Schule wo ich einmal grannt bin ein Stechen in der brust dies tritt aber nur auf wenn ich schnelle Bewegungen mache und wir d dann schlimmer wenn ich ausatme und klingt ab wenn ich nichts mache ich war vor paar tagen beim arzt…
Hallo, mein Opa hat Tumor in seinem Blasen. Das soll laut Arzt im Anfangsstadium sein. Meine Frage ist, ob diese OP Risiko an sich hat.
Hallo, ich bekiomme nächste Woche eine 4. Corona-Impfung. Meine Frage: Ist es sinnvoll, dass ich bei Dermatomyositis (Autoimmunerkrankung) eine 4. Corona-Impfung mache? Kann es sein, dass ich nach der 4. Corona-Impfung viele Nebenwirkungen bekomme? Kann ich an einer 4. Corona-Impfung sterben? Ist es eine sehr hohe Warscheinlichkeit an einer 4. Corona-Impfung zu sterben, wenn man…
Hallo ich bin 21 Jahre und hoff mir kann jemand helfen ich habe seit ca. 3 Jahren Probleme mit meinem rücken ich habe extreme schmerzen wenn ich lange stehen muss oder zu lange sitze oft steigen diese schmerzen bis in den Nacken und ich bekomme oft auch starke Kopfschmerzen davon nun mein Problem ich war…
Hey hab mich vor kurzen geschnitten finde es nicht schlimm wenn’s nh Narbe wird bin nur neugierig
With us – as with the predominant majority of radiation therapists – after appropriate consultation, an irritation is carried out with a total of 6 sessions, with 2-3 sessions per week, i.e. after 2-3 weeks the treatment is over. By the way, irradiation takes only a few seconds and is definitely not noticeable.
After (at the earliest) 2 months, the patient is asked for a look (we usually wait about 3 months) because the reaction to the irradiation -the improvement of the pain – can often take several weeks.
If the complaints are not – or are not sufficiently improved during the review, a second series with 6 sessions is offered/recommended.
My radiation therapist always plans 2 series a 5 irradiations from the beginning, which take place on 5 consecutive days. He did Ledderhose with the Haglund heel as well as with Dupuytrain and Morbus. So a total of five times
Then your radiation therapist should deal with the guidelines, which explicitly recommends other sequences for irritation.
And why should a second series be irradiated if the complaints are already gone after the first (you have to wait a little to find out)… Could be something “revenue-oriented”, the colleague(?)
M. Dupuytren / Ledderhose is again something GANZ different, namely NO irritation, especially antiproliferative… and with significantly higher dose. DA is actually irradiated on 5 consecutive working days and 2 series (distance of series several weeks) – or (other concept) on a total of 7 consecutive working days – but then only one series. (the 7-day concept is much less common)
I mean, I’d have to be written sick for about three weeks, right? I definitely can’t work with the pain, and I can’t do it right. 😔
— the question is, “what” three weeks?
Because: You will most likely not immediately receive a treatment date, as in radiotherapy the tumor patients first have priority.
The treatment itself takes only a few minutes in each case, but: – important – the effect usually occurs only after days – often even after a few weeks. (why the decision on a possibly meaningful second series should only be made after weeks)
So if the complaints do not allow you to work, you will not be able to get around an AU (inability to work), there is no short-term effective remedy.
Short-term possibilities can be, for example, anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen), local anti-inflammatory syringes or also experimentally similar creams and/or shoe inserts (all very individually effective – or not).
Yes, I hear this “supply” more often…
But it hasn’t thanked me yet that he or she no longer has to clog the cellar light at the beer… ;-))
I hope I have no more chance to ask him if he might be a little redeemed, because I really can’t use more nubbles in any places. Besides, I’m worried that I’m beginning to shine in the dark.
These are usually two series. Five days in a row and after about six weeks again. It can take another moment until the complaints go away. Was made with me for a haglund heel and also helped.
Small correction:
There are not “mostly” two series, but only if the first series did not have the desired success. With us – and others well-known radiotherapy, clearly over 60% of patients after the first series are already so satisfied that no second is necessary.
But it’s nice that you – like many – helped this treatment well.
Hello, Beamer05. Too bad you turned off the comment function. My radiation therapist always plans two series from the beginning. The Haglund heel as well as the Dupuytrain contractor.
How… what… where…
I didn’t turn it off…
What do you mean?
Right. I clicked the wrong place before. Comes from the many irradiations ;o)
No bullshit, I’m really glad that helped, because I don’t find snippets on my hands and feet funny.
It sounds like an experiment…
Why? My orthopaedic has advised me to make radiation therapy with my heel spore. I’m just interested in how long this takes
Sounds like this, but is common practice and is also paid by the health insurance company. It actually helped me.
Why does it always sound like “experiment”…
It is a proven and effective method for decades (!) which is also the standard performance of all health insurance companies.
some superficial information here: