Strafzahlungen für Kinderlosigkeit?
Derzeit bekommt in de die durchschnittliche frau 1,4 kinder (fürs auftecht erhalten müsste die zahl 2,1 betragen, da es weniger frauen als Männer gibt). Das bedeutet, dass unsere “deutsche” Bevölkerung pro Generation um über 30% schrumpft. Früher oder später wird diese nation somit mehr oder weniger aussterben wenn das so weitergeht. Was kann man dagegen tun? Strafzahlungen gegen Kinderlosigkeit? Zahlungen fürs kinder bekommen werden nie hoch genug sein können, wie die Kinder kosten werden. Oder sollten wir uns einfach aussterben lassen und dabei zusehen? Sind die Menschenrechte hier wichtiger als der Fortbestand unseres Volkes? Was denkt ihr?
Das ist anscheinend nicht klargeworden: das soll eine theoretische frage sein, dessen antworten nicht auf irgendwelche gesetze oder Ausnahme hinweisen, sondern das moralische/philosophische Problem diskutieren und Löschungen finden. Bzw. einfach generell euere individuelle Meinungen zu dem Thema, unabhängig vom Gesetz, das euch anscheinend ins hirn geprügelt wurde.
So the German population is currently growing, because German is the one who owns a German passport.
There is no such thing as a clear German population. Everyone who is currently living in Germany is the child of immigrants. You just have to go back far enough. Practically it is enough to go back until 1876, before that Germany did not exist.
A more child-friendly policy can counter the general population. You just have to see how the GDR did this. Free holiday trips, free clubs, free school feeding (from 3 children), much more youth clubs often managed by teenagers, extensive nurseries and kindergartens. One can also influence the economy, higher wages (without price increases) are a very effective means, even the adjustment of working hours and working conditions for mothers / fathers would help. In the meantime, there are more and more establishments which, for example, set up farm-own kindergartens so that parents can work without problems.
Such penalties are not proportionate. For example, I do not want to have a relationship, because it does not do me well mentally. I can’t just bind to anyone. In addition to being punished is not compatible with the Basic Law.
But you could donate seeds and wives vllt egg cells (if possible, ka). The children from there could be adopted by incapable couples.
There are enough sperm donors. It’s not lacking. Besides, I’m not allowed to donate sperm, because my father had a rabbit chart at his birth. The genetic defect is inheritable.
I may deceive myself, but I know there are more than enough people on this planet. I don’t care what passport they have.
A neat part of it will go on hiking in the next decades to find a non-humane habitat. Well, it’s good that there will be this habitat in DE and other countries.
There is even more unused habitat in Russia and Canada.
This is really important information. I’ll write it down.
This was not meant by foreigners but rather as a serious consideration. If this goes on with climate change, Canada could be more comfortable than ever.
1. Should this be left to every man and woman, whether they want children.
2.) There are many men and many women who cannot make or get children at all.
3. That children are put into the world without being asked before, then you’ll find all right?
4. The fact that every child is to receive is not enshrined in the law, why then punishments for something that is not prescribed.
Everyone decides if he wants to get children or not. And “punished” are childless: they pay a higher contribution to plumage insurance.
Nee, this does not decide any. I couldn’t get kids, even though I wanted them. Therefore, the question of the FS alone is a blow to the face – I cannot believe that there are people who think so limited.
So you don’t have to worry about the “continuation of the people”. However, it makes pension insurance collapse, as there are no young people who can provide care for the elderly. Because we don’t have enough money and you get poorer by kids and lots of work are getting most only a child if there is a child’s desire. There should be more support for parents saying more money and instead of getting poorer by the kids get richer.
The main reason why the pension is shaky is rather that, unlike earlier, all better earners have settled out of the state pension. The problem would be solved if these occupational groups were to be reinstated in the statutory pension.
This was not said to us in Earth:
Criminal payments for brainless people are more important.
But where with the many money?
Yeah, I didn’t think so.
Wouldn’t that be discriminatory? Brainless people can’t do anything they don’t have in mind, that was never their active or passive decision. There are no children in some cases, however.
The basis for your macabre contemplation is a silly and anachronistic concept of purebredness, which appears to be a “threatening of the (German) kind” and which appears in the 21st. In the last century, in an absentee and ridiculous form, it is called upon to regenerate culture and citizenship.
In fact, I know such a “problem” construction only from neo-Nazi organizations like the NPD.
Through migration, however, neither the Germans nor Germany die, but continue to evolve as all the centuries before.
I’m not a bit against immigration, foreigners or anything else. I’m more concerned with not being dependent on it. Dependence is never good, Russia has shown.
Albern. A penalty payment for childlessness would otherwise be an unconstitutional intervention in the personal freedom of action. Your entire design remains so racist and compatible with neonazi positions.
Not to forget that there are also involuntary children.
By the way, motorways are also compatible with neo-Nazis, which does not mean the motorways are automatically bad.
The punishment rather clickbait and not a serious proposal. My hope was simply to discuss the solutions for it, went back because I probably didn’t communicate clearly.
Immigration to compensate for population decline. Repression will never motivate people to get children and also take care of them well. Apart from the fact that it’s bad for the freedom restriction. The body does not belong to the state.
There are many couples who want a child but cannot get children for whatever reason. They are already punished enough by their unwanted childlessness, aren’t they?
The Basic Law does not allow this to happen. What else are you going to punish? Breath air? Everyone has to be able to measure his lung volume, then control it in gradations?
It’s illegal.
Why would you do something about it? It’s not a problem.
So the death of animal species is a problem but not the extinction of whole people? Funny world.
Better people than animals. Animals don’t break our earth.
“The Germans” are neither a genus nor a species. There can be hardly any mention of extinction.
On the other hand, the extinction of humanity is to be feared, but not because of a lack of young people.
The earth adores this relatively little. It’ll turn on until the sun becomes red.
There are men who are incapable of producing, just as women who cannot bear children. I want them to be punished.
It is clear that there are exceptions. I was concerned about the general problem that should be addressed to mM.
And how should these exceptions – of which there are many – be defined as exceptions? Do all those who are unintentionally childless have to undergo a degrading control investigation? Is it still?