Strafe für Warnblinklicht?

Hey, ich habe eine Strafe von 55€ bekommen, weil ich mit “missbräuchlichen” Warnlicht in einem verkehrsgesperrten Bereich geparkt hab. Anscheinend gab es ein Beweisfoto. Nun zu meiner Frage, mein Zündschloss ist kaputt und ist mir während der Fahrt rausgeflogen (Neues nachbestellt, passiert sonst nie.) Ich hab dann vor einem Laden geparkt, wo ich einen Kollegen wegen einer Schraube angerufen hab, um es zu festigen. Meine Beifahrerin hat sich in der Zeit einen Döner geholt, insgesamt waren wir 3 Minuten weg. Nun frag ich mich, was ich tun soll? Soll ich da mal anrufen und die Situation erklären? Man sieht auch noch, dass das Zündschloss kaputt ist.

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2 years ago

Then why are you standing in a locked area? Then your girlfriend accidentally happened the luck that all happened right in front of the Dönerbude. Try to explain plausible. I think your chances of paying the ticket are very high.

First of all, you’ve already announced 25 days ago that your ignition lock is defective and wanted to know if you’re coming over the TÜV. So the castle has been broken for a long time. Who does not manage to get a new one in time should pay your ticket

2 years ago
Reply to  AutoNoob123

Since the ignition lock itself is not encoded, but the ring antenna for the immobilizer is a bit different.

2 years ago

No matter why: you don’t have to drive this area at all, let alone leave the vehicle there because this alone already fulfills the “Parking” fact.

2 years ago

It would be worth a try. Otherwise make a written objection and explain the facts. But it can also be that it becomes even more expensive.

2 years ago

There’s nothing to explain. You could have looked for a parking lot + run to the store. Then you shouldn’t have put a warning blinker. And if you can’t go on, you don’t get a dungeon, but tell the police that you can’t go on + the friend calls the towing service.

2 years ago
Reply to  AutoNoob123

Then my car would be drunk

So. So the engine would have got too much fuel if you parked the car instead of parking in a parking lot? Who should believe the nonsense.

2 years ago
Reply to  AutoNoob123

Then someone should have stayed by the car. No one can know that this is an emergency if nobody stays.

2 years ago

It doesn’t matter what or why the thing was going on. Nobody was there. The warning blinker is not there to leave the car alone. No matter how long.

2 years ago

I don’t understand why you have to warn other road users when you park your car? Or did you have a breakdown and couldn’t go on because of the defective ignition lock? That wouldn’t have been parking.

The fact that your passenger has picked up a dungeon is what to do with switching on the warning flash system?

2 years ago

Hi, the punishment is not for warning flashlight, but for false parking.

If you say you’re parked in a traffic restricted area, it’s not worth discussing this.

That would only make sense if you had a panne and the vehicle remains in front of you and is then in the parking ban.

But you shouldn’t have been allowed to enter the restricted area if I understood you correctly.

2 years ago

Now I wonder what to do?

Start to see that you made a mistake, violated regulations and got rightly caught.

You could also say, you could pretend to be a grown-up.

With your comments on the other answers, one is more inclined to think you’re a five-year-old who fell off the kitchen cabinet with the candy box and, in spite of that, said he didn’t want to eat secretly.

You want me to call and explain the situation?

You can do it. If you’re crying around like this, they’ll have a story to laugh for the next few weeks.

It won’t change.

You can also see that the ignition lock is broken.

Either, your car is ready. Then there is no reason why you could not have parked in a normal parking lot.

Or your car isn’t ready. Then you must not drive to the parking ban, but it will stop until the ignition lock is repaired.


By the way, maybe you shouldn’t hang that too much on the big bell. You’ve been told 25 days ago that your car doesn’t get a bag with the broken ignition lock, i.e. it’s not safe.

Consider if you want to tell the office that you have been driving around with a non-traffic car for 25 days.

2 years ago

No chance, the car was still ready to go!

2 years ago
Reply to  AutoNoob123

Your explanation is ridiculous, because you drove the car into this area; that has nothing to do with the ignition lock.

2 years ago
Reply to  AutoNoob123

Yeah, right..

That’s why you didn’t drive after that, but you let it go from the towing service, because it could have baptized you at any time and stopped.

That’s how it was – not that you’re still writing you’ve been driving around a single meter.

You can tell dei fairy tales to the authority, don’t bring anything.

2 years ago

That’s why you’re trying to help…

2 years ago

A 22-year-old who wants to talk.

If you have 30 or 40 years to do with cars, motors changed, oversized pistons set, etc., then report back.

You don’t even have to help you in the form that everyone else had already glued the transponder chip from the key with hot glue or adhesive tape to the yellow evaluation unit with a little idea, so that it won’t stick around.


2 years ago

This is about the penalty for parking in the restricted area. And your ignition lock statement is pretty silly.

2 years ago

you used your warning light to park. has absolutely nothing to do with your fire lock.

I’m sorry if I say that, but the sentence is fine.

2 years ago
Reply to  AutoNoob123

you wrote yourself that this was a traffic jam. how to get there anyway, and then also before ning?

to enter and drive away….

don’t believe you human.

2 years ago

What should a defective ignition lock have to do with the engine getting too much fuel and cleaning?

Your car was ready to go, or you couldn’t have left. So there was no reason to put it off with the warning flash system switched on, especially since you described it yourself as ‘parking’.