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Ich bin 12 und habe am Freitag mit paar Freunde die Schule geschwänzt um fortnite zu zocken die Konsequenz ist das ich Hausarrest bekommen habe und das meine Freunde mich nicht mehr treffen dürfen das schlimmste ist das ich Konsolen Verbot habe und ich nicht zu mein Fußball allein hingehen darf nur in Bekleidung .
Heute ist es eskaliert meine Mom und ich sind übelst aneinander geraden weil ich mich geweigert hab auf mein klein Bruder heute Abend aufzupassen wen die ausgehen.
Die Folge ich habe gleich eine Woche Hausarrest drauf bekomm .
Habe kein Bock mehr
Könnt ihr mir Tipps geben
This does not necessarily have to be a punishment. 😉😎
I think that would be a lasting task.
My parents are smart….
I’m 12 there’s normal that you’re more the love bubble you used to be
Well, you don’t have to naked Go to football. 😉
Oh yes my mistake sry
You wrote clothes (colleases), but said accompaniment
That’s what I wanted, but I find that embarrassing who my parents are going with
In the future, no more school dances and stick to the rules of your parents would be an idea. Then your relationship will be better again.
Come out of your dysfunction.
You fucked up. An adult who fails his duty (Job) loses this and benefits from the employment office/job center there is no one for self-debt. On the other hand, your house arrest is pillepalle.
With me, the console would have been gone for months if my kids had done this!
To the hobby only in accompaniment so you don’t meet your friends secretly there.
No contact with your friends, because they’ve gotten you up.
Instead of seeing your mistakes and accepting the penalty, you’ll be fooling around. You refuse the supervision of the younger brother because he laughed about your punishment? I’m sorry, but you’re owed… because you built Bockmist.
Well…and because you don’t want to see that, you gave the house arrest supplement.
Get out of here!
To your statement “I’m 12 there’s normal that you’re more the love bubble you used to be“… no, that’s not normal! Yeah, your hormones are starting to tease you and that’s what you notice.
But you persist in toddlery behavior with defiance and invisibility, instead of showing that you are no longer the “small bub” and begin to grow up. This also means, in particular, to stand for his mistakes/heavy behavior and to accept the consequences silently…and to learn from it!
Thank you for your words my condolences that you have separated since
I think it’s stupid that I’ve got house arrest while my friends think they’ve got only TV ban and no pocket money I’m supposed to be the only one of the house arrest has ka ob that lie to me
Don’t compare yourself with your friends! Accept the punishment and grow up slowly!
There is only one way:
Be reasonable according to your age, the school doesn’t fade, give you trouble to show good performance (your spell doesn’t exactly testify to it) and help your parents – shop, at homework and watch the little brother if your parents want to go out.
You don’t want to go out with your parents, but you need to play for hours – that doesn’t work.
To grow up is above all to take responsibility for your own mistakes and not to make anything even worse.
Talk to your mom: explain your vision and listen to her.
Two. Excuse me, if necessary, show that you take responsibility.
3. Take tasks: Offer to watch your brother.
4. Use the time meaningful: find hobbies or activities that will make you enjoy.
Five. Keep in touch with friends: Use messages or social media to stay connected.
This phase is over and you will have freedom again! 😁
So I find 1 week home arrest with a ban on consoles as a penalty for school alone are completely ok. How you had written You didn’t want to watch your brother even less?
Under 1 week the penalty cannot work properly I want you to learn something from it. Schools are shining because you’d rather be shocking.
I had a week now I have 3 weeks because I wanted to watch what I was going to do because otherwise I have my console until January ne again.
But it is so boring as to think about his behavior all the time
But if you’ve had a week of house arrest before, and then you’ll get a week on it for two weeks and not three?
So still a week’s house arrest for not paying attention to brother is strict, but I can still understand especially because the one week were rather mild because of school. Two weeks of house arrest with console ban is thought appropriate. 3 weeks I find it when it was the first time school to dance or after a very long time the first time, too much.
Addendum: Message addressed primarily to Felix. I just clicked on… sorry.
The console is bad, that’s addiction behavior. Run out and spotting is good. I also have much better arguments in stock for a tightening than for this console.
A week of house arrest for cocking – okay. Another week for the babysitter faces? I don’t know. Being happy? No.
They put the punishment emotionally in anger. So it’s worth waving grace when they calm down again.
Behind the spoons? Here for your mother: screaming- or-schuetteln-schaedigt-das-gehirn/ screamen-schaedigt-gehirnentwicklung-bei-kinden
Why do you need to make a new account?
Consistently, this isn’t exactly when you’re allowed to educate the console now.
What good has it got my parents overwhelmed that we are allowed to console and while FIFA has to make me a new account, my parents do that
And then you obviously see it. That you don’t like this is also the meaning of punishment, and if you were too happy, it justifies them all the more. And sooner than it was allowed, you would have been put on your knees with many parents. And you can use the time to learn or help your parents in the household or take care of your brother.
Well, I was pretty naughty to my parents my mother said be glad you didn’t live earlier to ddr then you would have given you something behind the spoons
“I’m 12 and I’ve been shining school with a couple of friends on Friday to keep on”
You don’t. School is in many respects Sch***, but that’s why you can’t just let them fall out like that. She’s too important for that. And cocking games is a waste of life, unlike sensible leisure activities.
“the consequence is that I got house arrest”
I don’t think much about the kind of punishment, it’s more like a case of self- or alien danger. How long did you get for that?
“and that my friends are no longer allowed to meet me the worst is that I have ban on consoles”
Console ban is the worst? So worse than not getting out?
“and I can’t go to my football alone only in clothing.”
Only in clothing – HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. Well, so naked I’ve never gone to sport…
“Today it is escalated my mom and I are badly straight to each other because I refused to watch my little brother tonight who’s going out.”
Why? You’re home anyway, because they have “eingeknastet” you there.
“The next thing I’ve got is a week house arrest.”
And how much house arrest is it all?
So I’m really against house arrest. And don’t like punishment in child education. Just a problem: you’ve been shining the school for the zoo.
So it’s hard to convince your parents to pardon you. Only if they have prescribed you too much house arrest, you can try to persuade them to alleviate punishment.
There are cases where I can only advise children/young people to go to the barricades when they get house arrest.
It’s different in your case. So a possible mitigation will only work with discernment, cooperation with parents, and if the punishment of those is already too hard. screaming- or-schuetteln-schaedigt-das-gehirn/ screamen-schaedigt-gehirnentwicklung-bei-kinden
Show that to your parents. But only when they calmed down. And then in your case do not appear aggressive, but rather wave for grace. Good in writing.
And don’t wave around the console and the like. Tell them best you can sleep much better. And ask them – quietly stressed fear – how much house arrest they would give you maximum, and whether you can trust them, talk openly with them about everything and confess everything to them.
They could be thoughtful.
The first step would be to match your brother.
That would be good for you too, because apart from your brother, you now have a storm free.
My brother is a purest nerve saw
I’d kind of try to get clear with him.
Because you still seem to have your phone, if you’re making more crap, you’ll get it off.
Do you show your finger at IHN? You’re aware that the other fingers backwards also show YOU… the nerve saw is just you.
Until January for discussion is too hard. Even if I find the console doof itself.
My parents know I need a phone because we have a group school at WhatsApp via phone
No other father told me just who you’re doing us the night is your stupid console until January away I was little loud I just have to watch him
Listen to your parents. What do you expect? You’re joking and they say, what a fine young man! This is Lolly.
So you deserve the punishment. You could have negotiated, and you could have been able to show that you’re mature. You say, don’t want to.
Why should I take care of my little brother he laughed badly where I got the punishments it was a time and house arrest that is so unnecessary
Well, you wouldn’t have escalated. But your parents would have to react more effectively. At most 1.5 weeks of house arrest, just one. And without bad mood in the house can’t talk. They have to talk to you right now – and that doesn’t mean to shame you and let you feel their wrath.
You could have shown your parents that they can trust you and you’re grown up. Then they might have loosened the penalty. But in this case you are an unintentional child, which does not want to stand for your deeds.
What’s wrong?
But to your question – I know it might be a bit stupid, but best to do whatever your parents want from you and in return your parents will also allow you more things. LG.
May I ask what you mean, what’s going on?
All good 😀
I don’t know what. I would wait until the situation has calmed down and then show some insight, partly to wave for grace. But not because of the console, but because of things like house arrest and that’s the mood in the house below.
As a girl, in the situation, you could provide for a tear flood. As a boy, you can’t do that, and then you just do it through shock. But it’s counterproductive.
Maybe you ask when the situation calms down, whether your parents still love you and who can still trust them?
You have to know. If you want to write me privately. Otherwise you can also get another person. Maybe you could talk to your grandma/deinem grandpa or ask a trust teacher at school.
That’s the only reason there was more than what I don’t want to put on the Internet.
Well then read my above answer and that of the other one again and do what your relationship will be better with it.
My parents have said nix in many things, and I’m dancing school once and they react so at the moment I can’t talk to my parents to just listen to the common food that they are mad
Well, it’s honestly a weird question about several factors….
Tell me what you mean
I’m 12 and I’ve been shining school with a few friends on Friday to continue
What else should your parents do to you when you come up with such ideas and thus violate compulsory schooling?
It was a time
I want you to realize you made shit. And this works best if it’s uncomfortable for you. Just stretching her shoulders, getting out of one time two times and two times a week. And Ruck Zuck are you at nem month
But 3 weeks of house arrest
My parents are still so clumped to delete my Playstation ACC
Why should I give you tips?
Then just be quiet and answer
Right arrogant, more so
I will