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2 years ago

I looked at your video. In any case, it is a rather strong and stable carrier. It could ultimately be all possible. In the end, you should observe the channel for a time and see if the SIgnal changes in field strength and/or the signal itself.

It would be interesting to see the SIgnal once in the spectrum, for example in the waterfall diagram with an SDR receiver.

Even if the CB radio does not have exclusive rights, channel 47 is not in the ISM band and should “theoretically” have no such strong interference at least in your near field.

If I were in your place, I would first rule out that the disturbance comes from your household. This is quite simple in the end: Hang the FUnkmaschine to a battery. Then you turn off all the fuses of your apartment / your house shortly and then back in. If one of the fuses leaves the signal, it comes from you – and you can Look at where the signal comes from.

When the signal comes from you, you take off the antenna and go with the radio to the room that was affected by the corresponding fuse. Without antenna, your Albrecht can only receive with the bush and will therefore be extremely insensitive. If you hear the signal anyway, you can use the S-meter to pick up approximately the location of the interference signal.

If the interference signal does not come from your household, so if the fuses are not switched off, you can report the fault of the Federal Network Agency. See in detail here:

Unfortunately, as a CB radio, you do not have any right to the session of the radio interference. So you shouldn’t say that you’re being disturbed. Otherwise it could happen that you send an invoice 😉 But you can act as a responsible citizen and simply report to the Federal Network Agency as “I noticed” 😉

By the way: The frequency range of CB channels 1-28 is simultaneously ISM band. But the frequencies of the channels 29-80 are not allocated further in Germany. If you live in the area of protection zones at the borders or in the Black Forest, the disturbance could also come from neighbouring countries. Then you also get a message from the BNetzA absolutely nothing;-)

2 years ago

CB radio is an all-world story where everyone is allowed… and often feeds what he wants.

Of course, you didn’t describe the fault… but often digital radio Currents also seen as a disturbance that it is not. Depending on the region, there is also more data radio like Packet Radio, etc.

What can also be (and unfortunately in focus) is that it is any harmonic of a badly undisturbed device in the near field. The device thus sends on a completely different frequency or is not a device which usually sends… but only makes this happen due to malfunction. Example: The whole LED lighting of the Christmas trees that are now coming from China. From the beginning of December to the end of January, the 80m shortwave band is covered with an interference mist of S9 + xx because the super-cheap parts do not have a mains filter and are therefore unintentionally “share”.

You can also report to the German Federal Network Agency if you are still in trouble if this is to be seen by the interference service.