stört es euch wenn euer Freund kleinere Füße hat als ihr?
An die Mädels zwischen 15 und 20.
stört es euch wenn euer Freund kleinere Füße hat als ihr. Also wenn er eine kleinere Schuhgröße hat als ihr. Damit meine ich nicht nur eine Schuhgröße sondern schon min 2-3 Schuhgrößen unterschied.
If a woman doesn’t bother that she is bigger than her husband/friend, she shouldn’t mind. Such large differences in the size of the shoe correspond to the size of the body. 1-2 SG Differences occur more often with approximately the same body size, larger differences with visibly different body size.
I did not go to the asked age group, for me secondary cause – main thing healthy and pain-free.
Everyone has come along with nature/God’s individually matching feet, which is not influential.
A preference for finesse (I have) is also naturally there and is increasingly accepted.
To make Fuesse even more a “hingucker”, there are many moenesses, unabated by the gross.
When you look after someone like that, he/she must have real complexes. I’m talking as a boy. I used to be with girls out there who were bigger and bigger hands as well as bigger feet. Neither her nor me has it tasted because honestly there are more important things.
PS: I am 17.bin 1.67 tall and have shoe size 39/40 and also small hands. So compared to today’s girls and boys, I’m a dwarf.
No, it doesn’t matter.
However, I would be surprised how he can stand. ‘Cause I have 37/38. He’s 1.84 m tall, there’s shoes in size 36 tiny. He’s turning around.
What makes his feet