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spelling errors to me, especially in important writings, are unbearable, for example, in business writings or, for example, in lawyers’ writings, for me as studied Germanists, language scholars and philologists, as I always put my whole life in best German in all conceivable documents, both in terms of the orthographic and grammar.
For example, if someone told me in a letter: “The best
I found you told me last night that this could work. It would have been even more optimal if you had told me the same!” –
… then I stand as one of the German language Artificial whether the many mistakes in these few sentences the hair to mountains!
1. There are grammatical in the German “optimal” Superlatv. Optimal means: best possible. The best way to get the supertative, so for purely grammatically correct and logical reasons, you can no longer increase this word! Just as little as there is “the best” one thing can be “optimal, as there is no comperative of “best possible” or “best possible”. So there is also the best possible grammatically” not! Because “possible is not extendable! Correctly, bes: The best possible!
The same is true, for example, with superlatives like “strategic”: “He was the best-fitting person at the party last night!” Many say: He was the best man. The increase of a verb like “attract” here in perfect
Two. If someone shows me in a sentence that he does not know how to apply the word “that”
Both the ones, and the ones that annoy me rather than disturb me, and the other.
But a few mistakes bother me a little. You write his text, read it for control, and then send it off. An error of all two lines remains unnoticed, and that is also not tragic.
It looks different if in the question title of 3 words is already an error, the most important keyword is wrong, more mistakes than words occur, someone writes without point and comma or 140 lines without paragraph.
Yes, if they are really obvious: for example, what like steel instead of stable in a contribution that is about accommodation of animals. Or if the second letter is written in a noun that is not an abbreviation (such as UN or so).
However, if you know that you have problems with spelling, you should hunt your post beforehand by checking the spelling of any office program and correct the errors found there before you leave it in the “free wild”.
But have a tolerance threshold. First, auto correction and secondly an excited chat are sources of error. But if someone is negligent or incapable in German spelling, you can see that very well.
At spelling, I’m the total nerd. ^^
Would often like to put the red pencil on some of them.
Even if I find a newspaper reading and mistakes, I’m totally…
It depends on:
Small mistakes – especially typos – can happen to everyone, often you don’t even notice them because the eye/brain works to some extent with auto correction. If, however, the number of errors becomes too large or it is a rough error, then this is quite disturbing.
I think typos are or are Sentence is not meant here. This can happen to everyone.
Depends on how many times they happen. Everyone can write down. However, if, for example, each third word is written incorrectly, or if starlets or double points are continuously attached to the words, then this is very disturbing.
Some people realize that they don’t care.
In no way if it’s not exactly the terrible gender.
Except for isolated typos, of course. They always happen.
Right spelling mistakes not.
But there are people who simply don’t care if you can understand what they mean. They simply roll a belt over the keyboard and set characters are also indifferent.
They hurt me in my eyes and in my “German soul”.
Hahah same
Just on the phone or my (“beim” I meant) fast ✍️write ✍️ unfortunately I also make many flaws of volatility
On the phone, however, word recognition also makes mistakes.
Oh jaa 😭
Especially when I do it.
Depends on how many.
In no measure and just on the internet where I usually answer quickly on something I always do.
If there are only small spelling errors, then not. If, however, it turns out to be causative, then already.
… especially when you realize that the writer makes it out of rudeness.
Or if “puberts” don’t bother and write at GF in youthslang and don’t even realize that others don’t understand
Aggressions are at the start XD
They’re bothering me because they rip me out of the reading flow.
It’s been a long time. The train’s gone.
But he always has delay – but for you it is never too late
Escht, he’s deceased with you?
For me. “Dangers” are written here small and
in general with “h”.
I thought of it. I also write occasionally
“richtitsch”, based on the best comedy in German
Television ever existed (or was it the Bully parade?).
Super recognized! Nevertheless, only half a point, because “Escht” is also wrong 😅
yes nishes