Stoffwechsel beschleunigen und verlangsamen?
Wie lässt sich der Stoffwechsel (durch Ernährung, körperliche Tätigkeiten, Umwelteinflüsse, etc) beschleunigen oder verlangsamen?
Wie lässt sich der Stoffwechsel (durch Ernährung, körperliche Tätigkeiten, Umwelteinflüsse, etc) beschleunigen oder verlangsamen?
Find absolut garnichts im Internet.
Due to my work, it is my usual practice to have a normal-sized breakfast (oatmeal, fruit, milk) around 5:30 a.m. I always drink during the workday, but I don't feel hungry and don't eat anything during it. I don't have any "performance drops" or stomach problems. At about 4 p.m. a normal portioned meal is…
Hallo zusammen. Ich habe mir 500g Hühnerbrust gekauft, es in Stücke geschnitten, gewürzt und ab in den Ofen damit. Nach etwa 40 Minuten war es fertig und es sah VIEL weniger aus als davor. Mir ist bewusst, dass die Brust davor viel Wasser hatte, welches jetzt weg ist. Doch ich stelle mir jetzt die Frage:…
Überlegen. Kann mir einer erklären wie sowas möglich ist, normalerweise müsste ich doch kleinere Muskeln haben und eher schwächer aussehen.
In the case of interwarm animals, plants and individuals by increasing/lowering the temperature.
The following rule applies as a fist formula: The increase in temperature by 10 degrees doubles the metabolic rate. Or a halving at a reduction of 10 degrees. Above a certain temperature (depending on the substances/enzymes involved), however, there is a waste: proteins degenerate, for example, and the metabolic process does not take place.
In “warm blossoms” like us, the metabolism of immune defense can be increased at least by increasing the body core temperature (Fieber). Here too: When the temperature becomes too high (45 degrees) there are denaturations and multiple organ failures and death.
low doses of L-thyroxine in the μg range (thyroid hormone) increase metabolism immensely, but the risk of overdose is high, in no way over 25μg begin in healthy people without deficiency.
Side effects are possible, the actual effect only starts after several days.
Prescription! Doctor involved because of the risks.
Evtl. can also be stimulated by nutrition, you should check
L-Thyroxin: Experiences & side effects | sanego
Why would you do that?
Important is a balance of absorbed and consumed (now) energy – not the speed with which this happens…