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1 month ago

1. Stolen (сто) means as a number word 100. But I guess this is for Stoi (сто reproduce) is asked as it is the exact opposite of Dawai is.

Stoi (сто reproduce) is the imperative Singular des Verbes стоя asтÃ1⁄4 (stajat), and that means, inter alia, standing or standing remain and stop.

Stoi (сто reproduce) means stop!

Two. Dawai (дава affinity) is the imperative singular of Verbes давать (dawat), and that means give. literally means dawai therefore . It is used in two ways:

  1. Let’s… (as in let’s start)
  2. Go! (as in Come on!, dalli dalli!, zack-zack!, go!). One also thinks of German terms Give me rubber! or Give gas!

Dawai (дава accй) does not mean ! within the meaning of gGive it to me!. There is another verb in Russian.

1 month ago

When it is spoken “Sto”, it means “a hundred”. Schto, means what.

Dawai, something like “los” / “loss” / often but also “let’s go” or “let’s start”.

1 month ago

Stoi = Standing

Dawai = Faster

Oh yes, sto would still be the number 100 or a hundred

1 month ago
Reply to  odine

Sto is a hundred.

1 month ago
Reply to  Bonaparte1

Then they say SCHTO and that is WAS.

1 month ago

Russian: Что

And you don’t need a special character. Just write it as it sounds.

1 month ago

Что? (pronounced “schto”) = what

Что это? = What is that?

Давай! (pronounced “dawai”) = Los, forward! > This is often heard in films about World War II.

1 month ago

Sto = 100

Sto gram, pozhaluista = a vodka, please!

1 month ago
Reply to  Janaki

You might want to explain that more precisely: In Russia, unlike with us, the quantity is given in grams for spirits (e.g. on menus). On our menus, on the other hand, the number is usually in centiliters (cl). Therefore, сто гра toмм (“sto gramm”) or grammatically correct сто гра toмов (“sto grammoff”) actually means only “hundred grams”, but in the language of the word “a vodka” is meant, even if the quantity actually delivered deviates from it.