Stirbt die Handschrift irgendwann aus?

Egal wo man ist, es gibt überall Korrekturen und Schriftvarianten.

Ob Handy IPad und Co, sogar Emails kann man diktieren.

Sogar Anträge kann man online ausfüllen, da braucht man nicht mal mehr ein Kreuz machen. Die Unterschrift digital sieht oft so verfälscht aus.

Früher würde eine Urkundenfälschung anhand der Handschrift erkannt .

Brauchen wir irgendwann keine Gedanken mehr machen ob das Schreibmaterial gut oder schlecht schreibt oder, ob es richtig geschrieben ist?

(2 votes)

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2 years ago


I have to write more by hand on my work than digital helpers are available to me.

In particular, notes, or things I need to remember, are written fixedly on a note as somewhere climped.

And there are some situations where the handwritten signature must be.

2 years ago

I don’t think we’ll be able to do that. As good as everyone still writes something handwritten. However, one should perhaps place more emphasis on how to formulate and note that there is still a spelling and that computer programs do not find and mark all errors. Even a paperless office is, I think, in many cases not possible, because still handwritten is required.

2 years ago

I think this has already happened. Out of the shopping list and single numbers, writing since I was a student almost never something. Some time ago, I must fill some forms, and believe me, my hand did at the end hurt. I almost forgot how to touch a pen. I must particularly regret that my writing remains legible as I had difficulties reading it the next day. From school, very few still write something with the hand.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thom1983

That’s sad. Do you want to accept this or write it privately?

2 years ago
Reply to  Persepolis95

What can I do? With the PC you write much faster and more painless than with your hand. While forgetting how to touch the pencil, each of my fingers knows exactly where in the keyboard the A and where the Z lies. With blind eyes. You can’t stop progress and that’s the cost, unfortunately.

2 years ago

It’s not that bad again. Main thing, you can write and read and do that. Whether with the hand, typewriter or PC, it’s all the same. In trouble you write with the hand that no one forgets.

2 years ago

That’s different. It is our decision, for which we will decide, at least in private.

2 years ago

Only for online addicts. Intelligent and well-trained people buy a great fountain pen and always enjoy their friends and relatives with beautiful and handwritten greeting cards.

2 years ago

I hope not. I would like to write manually and daily and I would like to continue to do so clearly. Don’t you dare write a diary, letters, notes… manually.