Stimmt es wirklich (noch), dass man Flugzeuge mit einem Laserpointer runter holen kann?

Und ist das tatsächlich schon passiert?

Ich persönlich weiß es nicht, könnte mir vorstellen, dass es vielleicht passiert sein mag’, würde jedoch einfach mal ins Blaue hinein schätzen, dass Flugzeughersteller und Piloten nicht doof sind und vermutlich längst alles so eingerichtet haben, dass Laserpointer keinen Einfluss auf die Sicherheit des Flugs haben.

Also dass das heutzutage nicht mehr möglich ist…

Liege ich richtig? Oder könnte man tatsächlich vom Boden aus mit einem Laserpointer ein Passierflugzeug zum Absturz bringen, wenn man mit dem Laserpointer ins Flugzeug rein leuchtet?

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3 years ago

There are actually lasers that go quite far really fell from the sky yet no one is disturbing the air traffic, can pilots quit and can come to confusion zbs if the pilot thinks that something is coming to him and then bommm other plane so yk? You simply should not do it for security reasons

3 years ago
Reply to  Fefi34

You look too many movies the aircraft have radars that will not crash each other

3 years ago
Reply to  xCeemo

Bullshit! You have no idea of the speeds and the distances that an aircraft lays back when the pilot is blinded for 2-3 seconds. And the turning radius. It’s not like a bike or Bobbycar. There’s nix more with evasive approach, it’s about precision.

3 years ago
Reply to  xCeemo

That was not meant to be serious.

3 years ago


3 years ago

I compare this with something else: Does anyone know how much the braking distance of a car will be longer if it drives at a speed of 30 Zone at Tempo 40 – what is considered a cavalier transfer? He gets 9 mtr longer, a child dies by the stronger impact, an adult might survive severely.

Okay, now for air traffic. A road plane in the landing approach has a speed of about 200 km/h. The pilot or his co is blinded by a laser pointer for two seconds. And the runway he must meet has a width of 45 mtr and a landing zone of 100 mtr.

Anyone can learn what danger exists due to this dangerous nonsense.

3 years ago

The manufacturers have partially reacted to the hazard and equip the “windshields” of the aircraft with laser safety glass on request. In combat aircraft, this is now standard, as is the case with angle mirrors, target optics and observation telescopes in the military. Even for binoculars there are laser protection filters.

3 years ago

It’s not about the laser pointer breaking something on the plane, it’s about blinding the pilot or breaking the eyes.

3 years ago

The laser pointer doesn’t care about the plane.

The problem is that the full pastes lie directly in the cockpit windows and thus dazzle the pilots. And they can’t focus on flying anymore if they suddenly burn their eyes. The braid is that the plane is flying downhill at the moment, and if no one flies the right maneuver at the right moment, the plane just lands with the nose first and breaks because the nose does not stop it. This is generally called a crash.

3 years ago
Reply to  1011011101011

The laser beam is actually just a laser beam. Pretty thin. Maybe 0.3 to 2 mm.

The best laser beam also fantasizes a bite. That means he’s getting wider. At 2-3 m you don’t notice this yet, but at 2,000-3000 m it can already be 20 cm from a millimeter.

Also depends on what kind of laser pointer we are talking about. These funny little things, with which speakers can flick on their PowerPoint slides or let cats flash through the apartment, are not meant when it comes to pilots being blinded.

Then nothing should happen, especially since the type on the ground with laser pointer cannot shine into the cockpit forever, but only for a short period of time. He’s finally downstairs and can only light up in the approach. But from a certain point – the aircraft finally flies – it inevitably only illuminates the outer shell.

I don’t understand this explanation.

If the location of the laser pointer is simply behind the end of the runway, the aircraft will fly during the complete final approach, including rolling out after the touchdown. This is all but a short time…

So there’s no laser pointer equipment? Special discs or a button? …How do you imagine?

Oh, of course, you could insert a disc that reflects green laser pointer light instead of letting it through. Well, then everything green light reflected. That means that the pilots can see nothing green through their disc. This does not only concern green lights (e.g. position lights of other aircraft, markings of the runway…) or green things such as vegetation, but everything whose color composition contains any green parts no longer looks normal. White light would then be violet.

The world looked completely different for the pilots. During the entire flight time. Only if someone uses a green laser pointer.

And then someone comes with a red laser pointer. Damn it! So we should also reflect all red light. Only blue light comes into the cockpit and the pilots see everything that is outside the plane, only in blue. Funny question: How do you do it, for example, with the position lights of aircraft if there are only blue?

So, I wouldn’t have thought that there are no protective devices against such “simple” attacks. And that in aircraft that cost several million euros and otherwise “feels” everything.

The idea can also be different: even in an industry where really expensive new developments like the 8. World miracles are celebrated where you could earn money with a protection against laser pointers…

No one has yet found a useful solution.

3 years ago
Reply to  RedPanther

A plane does not fly downhill and usually does not have the nose down;-) And before the nose bangs on the ground, the suspension will come first. It is quite simple the distance that an object sets back at 200 km/h when pilot/copilot are blinded for a few seconds. And there’s no room for a plane in the landing.

3 years ago
Reply to  FiddlerMuc

And before the nose bangs on the ground, the suspension will come first.

Joa… is that so sturdy that it puts away a somewhat harder “nose down” landing of the plane?

3 years ago

You’d be wondering what a running gear is…

3 years ago

The problem is that pilots could be blinded and do not run a landing approach correctly. The technology has always been insensitive.

3 years ago

I’m sure not with a 1€ thing. But so parts of the street sale, perhaps also from behind the border, they can already shine properly.

3 years ago

The machine does not crash because someone with the laser pointer hits the flying zeal, but because the pilot is illuminated in the eyes and this then sees nix more…

3 years ago

There are from China these green 1 watt laser pointers that burn a hole in the retina immediately.

Even the normal 0.005 Watt or 0.001W laser pointers make sure you don’t see anything for a while. Maybe for a few seconds until the eye slowly adjusts to the ambient light.

Imagine driving with your car on the road, in 100m comes a curve, you have to see the signs and follow the road. Now you are blinded from anywhere and even if only one eye has been blinded, then the brain does not make this misinformation meaningful to build together. You don’t know at the first moment what eye has just been blinded and then you need a while to realize this and maybe just open an eye (which has not been blinded). And yet, the brain from the blinded eye probably still receives rubbish-image information and that is then erroneously put together in the brain.

Even if you can’t see the wrong buttons in the plane/helicopter, or you can’t see the road anymore, and then go to the traffic or get off the road.

I saw in an Arab country how hundreds of people each had a laser pointer and then held it on a helicopter. The pilots, of course, do not have laser glasses. There are such laser safety goggles with different filters, one time IR radiation, green and red laser. If you would use such a 3-fold filter, you just see much less.