Stimmt es wirklich das Erdbeeren den Genitalbereich Wund machen können?

Ich habe das gerade gelesen auf TikTok. Ich kann’s aber kaum glauben. Wo ist das der Zusammenhang?

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2 years ago

Yes, what is on TikTok must, of course, vote.

Strawberries contain water. Exciters, especially bacteria and fungi, love moisture. When you lubricate crushed strawberries into the genital area, the moisture can soften the skin and the moisture will also make bacteria feel comfortable, possibly also mushrooms. Inflammations can occur due to inhaled infections; Inflammations are “wund”.

If you see it, it’s correct.

But if you eat strawberries normally, I do not think that the risk of wounds in the genital area should be raised.

2 years ago

Of course not. 😂

The source says everything.

I’m eating strawberries all my life and I’m gonna put you down there and everything’s fine. ☺️

(No idea what was done with the strawberries. I’m going to eat…)

2 years ago

This would only work if they were introduced deep-cooled down. Just leave it and eat it normal, then everything is okay

2 years ago

In babies, the acid irritates the skin around the diaper, as far as I know.

In adults… The source says everything 😏

2 years ago
Reply to  sciencelucy

Who please gives a baby strawberries to eat????

2 years ago

From Babeis I know it, as it is acid in the fruits in the pip of the baby and so stimulates the skin in de diaper, in adult only if it is incontinent.

2 years ago

If you throw them into the genital area maybe, otherwise it’s huge bullshit again

2 years ago

Sorry I’ve never heard before.