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1 month ago

No, that’s not true. The bank will not owners of money, it will remain your (book) money.

If you deposit a 100 Eurocard on your account today, cash will be billed, but it will remain your money. However, you will not get back exactly the appearance you have paid in.

And yes, you can say that you gave the bank 100 euros credit. However, this is a very complex system that cannot be represented in 2 sentences.


1 month ago

no – the bank does not become owners, rather “owners” or “keepers”

through the deposit the bank becomes a “debtner” (the bank owes you the repayment) – the depositor (account holder) becomes a “deafer” (he thinks his money is getting back – …… was always my “Eselsbrücke” ….)

1 month ago

No, an account balance is a debt of the bank to you. That’s why it’s also in the H

Generally, all the money would disappear if all the loans were repaid.

1 month ago

Yeah, that’s it. This is called a sighting credit because you can always ask that the bank gives you money at the level of the credit.

1 month ago
Reply to  diderot2019

That’s wrong. The bank does not become the owner of the deposit at any time, whether Giro or Sparkonto. And visual inserts call daily due inserts that have nothing to do with the context you mentioned.

1 month ago
Reply to  DonCredo

I quote Helmut Creutz, ‘The 29 errors about money’:

Despite the close connection of private current accounts with cash or the inaccessible with the cash payment transactions are clearly no money. Because correctly they are always only money credits, even if you can handle payment transactions with them, instead of money.

1 month ago

This is the answer to the questioner’s question: if you pay money to the bank, it is not only not your money anymore, but it is no more money at all.

1 month ago

Yeah, so? What does that have to do with my statement now?

1 month ago

All the money you have is credit! the true (intrinsic) value of a 100 euro bill is the kilo price for waste paper!