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Driving school?
You should slow down and look right. The examiner wants to see that you recognized right in front of the left.
Don’t do that when you get right. If you’re on your way and behave like you have to pay attention, you’ve fallen through.
But your driving instructor will advise you in terms of his job;-)
You want to stop right? Can you really fall through when you look accidentally to the right although there is no excuse situation
Whether you want to stop directly depends on how confusing it is. Sometimes you have to brake clearly and reach the line of sight in the first gear. Sometimes you just have to brake easily and can go through in 2 gears.
But brakes and look, you should definitely see, driving instructors/checkers should remember that you have recognized the advance.
No, if you look to the right you don’t fall through. But if you brake, click the line of sight and look, even though you have an entrance, you’re through.
It is then assumed that the driving situation at the point has not been properly recognized.
Not directly.
One should only get closer to such a place so quickly that one can still safely brake in order to be able to provide advance.
It ultimately depends on how clearly the place is. 20 km/h can be too fast or just exaggerated cautiously.
No, that’s completely wrong, it depends on the local conditions.
In a confusing town core, 20 km/h can be too fast, because the stopping path, if someone would come, would be too long if one can only see the other vehicle if one is already in the intersection, while a cross with “right front left” with free visibility, for example in an industrial area that is just emerging, where there is no building yet, but everything is already cleared, if there is no need to reduce the speed of the vehicle.
Not in principle. The respective speed restrictions apply. For example, if you’re 30 in the street, you can also drive 30.
However, you can only drive so fast that you can stop at the intersection in time when a car comes from the right.
Especially if the intersection is not easily visible, it is therefore advisable to drive there more slowly and be ready for braking.
You can only drive so fast that you can see a driver coming from the right at an early stage that you can bring your vehicle to a standstill in time. This may well mean that you have to drive even more slowly than 20 km/h at unclear intersections or mouths.
No, that’s not right.
You can only drive as fast as you can at any time brake when a vehicle is approaching.
This can also be 10km/h at a confusing crossroads in the living area and it can also be faster at an overview crossing.
then this is likely to be a 30th zone, entrances can have partially restricted visibility, as in some cases 20 are still too fast.