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Who’s going to answer this for a reason? To a very specific product!
Such health claims are prohibited on food in the EU.
In fact and proven effective products would be those with added plant sterols – or even medicinal products with authorisation.
Effectively (!) could be the naturally contained plant sterols. How many of them are, but probably not.
There is also a risk of heart and eye problems in overdose: more than 3 grams of sterols per day must not be.
Bio-quality suggests that no residues of synthetic pesticides are to be feared.
As so often: “healthy” is usually variety, good quality and enjoy everything in measure.
I’ve heard of it because many say that and on the Internet are still positive and you can’t really be sure
Yeah, sure, who wants to sell (and do most on the net), naturally claims only positive.
And after-slip many can also be good.
And best in the “Internet”. Healthy scepticism never hurts.
Because no one can prove that.
If you like Tahin and don’t exaggerate, take it. Don’t expect miracles, that’s all.
Okey, as far as I understood it, only why is it not in the nutritional values at Tahin, mentioning that the tahin has unsaturated fatty acids
see link,zutat1296.html#:~:text=Tahin%2520Appropriate%2520sich%2520zum,Fetts%C3%A4uren%2520also%2520f%C3%BCrs%2520Herz.
I give up.
Last tip: Fat can only have saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. No other.
However, the unsaturated ones can still be divided into simply unsaturated, double, triple, multiple, but you did not want to know that.
Does that mean it has no unsaturated fatty acids?
Yes the proportion of saturated fatty acids is on it and nothing is on top of the unsaturated fatty acids
yes, they said 3 grams, but does that also apply to the Sesammus? Don’t know what to believe. In the internet stand very different things
But the fat content and the proportion of saturated fatty acids… so?
See, you have to take responsibility for yourself now. And guess what the above written and the linked info means for you. You’re an adult, right?
and in Tahin are unsaturated fatty acids? This is true in google but the nutritional values lack the information for it, ask me why these are not on the
Yeah, what do you mean exaggerate? How much gramm could you take Tahin as a sesamemus of your opinion
If I haven’t heard yet, you should have problems with heart and cholesterol, medicines prescribed by the doctor are better.
Otherwise only helps try out, but is very fatty
They say that tahin should be healthy. I just don’t know exactly whether this applies to this product