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Yes, of course.
Of 100 people, perhaps only 8-9 are more than 100 years old.
If anything.
Someone who is already SO old, I do not know at all.
But there are still, but not many more
Someone who was older than 126 years?
No, you’d have to give a serious source of it.
There’s no one alive because they’re at least 125 years old.
The oldest people who still live are 116 years old and born in 1908:
It’s probably true. But I found something: news/aeltester-mensch-der-welt-145-7030026.html
If that is the truth and that should still live, it is probably the oldest person. The post is from 2016.
Oh, if he still lives, he died in 2017. He was born in 1870.
Yeah, right. Oldest person is around the 116. So was born in the 20th century.
That’s obvious.
It could probably be extended to about 1940.
No, no person born 1800-1899 lives today.
Yes, of course!!!
Yeah, sure, kid, that’s easy to calculate. They’d be at least 126.
I would say that no man from the 19th century Century still alive.
There is no longer a person alive today, according to my knowledge, the record age is 122 years.
In my knowledge there are no more people in the 19th century. century born, beautiful week
Of course! I’m very rarely walking around people who are 120 years old!
Just figure out how old these people are now… then the question should be answered…
This is likely to override the questioner