Stimmt es, dass Bodybuilding eine Art Sucht ist?
Ich habe gehört, Bodybuilder seien Süchtige. Was meint ihr?
Ich habe gehört, Bodybuilder seien Süchtige. Was meint ihr?
Hi. Kann man nach dem man runter von keta ist gut schlafen oder eher wie bei Ecstasy nicht?
Hallo zusammen, Ich männlich 20 Jahre alt, konsumiere seit genau 13 Tagen Alprazolam 1mg Tabletten täglich. (Hauptsächlich gegen Anfang und Ende des Abends) Es bestand allerdings keine Notwendigkeit bei mir und ich habe die Tabletten missbraucht und aus “Spaß und Neugier” genommen. Der Konsum hat für mich jetzt aber eine unschöne Wendung angenommen und ich…
Habt ihr schon mal fake koks angedreht bekommen? Wie hat es sich angefühlt?
Hallo, da ich die tage mein erstwagen bekomme, wollte ich mal wissen wie lange es ungefähr dauert das man kein thc im blut mehr hat. Ich habe vor 3 tagen aufgehört zu rauchen, davor habe ich allerdings 2-3 wochen lang gefühlt jeden tag ein geraucht.. Dazu bin ich auch noch ein jahr in der probezeit..
That’s funny.
Somewhere it’s true, but this can not only be true for bodybuilders, but any possible atletes, because sport can make damn addiction.
But in my opinion, this is a “good” addiction. Professioneles bodybuilding is perhaps not the best example (because bodybuilding with steroids are always unhealthy) but actually sports as long as it is not a performance sport, always healthy.
Hope could answer your question!
Powering out and coming to the limits can make * addictive*.
Just as quickly as possible to get closer to his model or to the supposed ideal body. So then also a question of vanity…. and that to show in the studio can make addiction (admiring views of the beginners).
I’m talking about myself. You know, it was cracky.
Of those I know who are more active in fitness, I’ve heard you’re missing if you don’t go. Is not directly a addiction, but it is a strong certainty.
Very interesting topic, in my opinion. I think it can be a sort of addiction or eating disorder, if you really go fanaticically to the gym and at some point you can eat nothing more without weighing it off
It can be searched….
And such a sports addiction makes people rather depressive instead of experiencing hype.
We had a sportswoman in the studio who was there at least six hours and at home it went on. It wasn’t nice to see
You can also be addicted to certain activities. Can be compared with Adrenalinjunkies who always want to look for the next kick.
The addiction itself has many faces, even exercising the body falls below it.
They can’t even take a break on holiday and always have to look where the next gym is.
Is often known a former alcoholic who is now ruining his body with excessive bodybuilding.
yes to live healthy can be suicidal
It can be all searched.
is a little farthered.
No, why?
Don’t think of unrealistic things.
Looking for air?