Stimmt es dass Binden, Tampons etc die Periode verlängern?

Hab so nen Tiktoker (den ich sonst immer für sympathisch hielt) gesehen der das behauptet dass da so komische Chemikalien drin seien die das verlängern. Die Konzerne sollen damit mehr Geld machen, da mehr Produkte gebraucht werden.

Ganz ehrlich ich halte das eher für eine ziemlich weit daher geholte Behauptung und schenke dem kein Glauben.

Würd mich aber trotzdem mal interessieren ob das stimmt. Ich glaube eher nicht

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2 years ago

That’s absolute bullshit.

Something that would extend the period would certainly not be allowed, as it would mean a strong intervention in the hormone balance.

2 years ago

No, that’s nonsense. If you want to try it out, simply put your slip out a bleeding with toilet paper instead of a classic bandage. I had to do it.

You’ll notice: there’s nothing going to be extended or shortened. The fact that the producers of such hygiene articles want to make money is a fact, because that ultimately wants everyone who sells the IRGENDIN product, but that was already.

2 years ago

A good advice: Do NOT believe what influencers would do.

2 years ago

This video is just complete crap. I did not deal with the YouTuber in detail, but there seems to be some criticisms.

We can ask a gynecologist here, but the hormone balance is responsible for the length of the period. This would mean in reverse that tampons and bonds affect your hormone balance. This would not be allowed in Germany.

My tip: Believe influencers rather not…

2 years ago

This tiktok is really only for the brazing of humanity!

2 years ago


2 years ago
