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2 years ago

No, by 20. Year of life you grow and develop.

From 45 years, many people perceive glass body opacities under certain light conditions and can live well with it.

The “shrink” of the glass body does not happen abruptly, aging is a process that gradually results.

2 years ago


About the age, one generally speaks of the eye being grown. Therefore, you should also fix zb operations short-sightedness should not be allowed to make earlier.

This does not mean, however, that the glass body shrinks or ages from there (at least no more or faster than the remaining body).

To prevent unnecessarily rapid aging, as always helps a healthy lifestyle change. So sufficient liquid, vitamin-rich, balanced and sufficient diet and sufficient exercise in the fresh air.

2 years ago

You can’t imagine it like a shy rosin! This “mass loss” is minimal and is mostly due to poor nutrition

2 years ago

Ageing begins 1 second after birth.

The human being is transient.