Stimmt es das warmes Wasser gegen Hitze hilft?

Hi, heute habe ich erfahren das warmes Wasser anscheinend gut von innen kühlen soll, ich habe heute ordentlich geschwitzt und es gleich einmal ausprobiert. Es hat tatsächlich geholfen, nun frage ich mich ob dies wirklich funktioniert hat oder es nur Einbildung war!? Ich finde eben warmes Wasser scheusslich. 😅😂

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9 months ago

Exactly that is true, warm water is absorbed by the nervous system in heat, for example, differently than cold.

Cold water, on the other hand, lets you sweat more, while warm water adapts to your body temperature and doesn’t let you sweat!

9 months ago

Yeah, if it’s really warm, I’ll shower very warm before bed.

Your body always regulates its temperature by itself. If you are cold, the body wants to warm and the temperature rises. Ergo, you’re sweating.

If you are warm, the temperature will be adjusted downwards and you will cool down a bit.

9 months ago

Yes so lukewarm. If you drink cold water, it only works refreshingly but the body wants to warm up again and then you sweat more

9 months ago

So I’m sweating a lot and I’m very warm.

I’m just testing it with a glass of lukewarm water, sekündchen.

No effect. I’m still sweating and I’m hot. Maybe the water wasn’t warm enough. I’m testing again.

Nope, still not. It’s even worse and now I’m bad because I drank too much water at once.

But if it helps you, it’s great. My body is very selfish, as it seems. 🤷🏼 ♀

9 months ago

Lauwarm water works better for cooling than cold. Because in cold water, the body begins to drive at full speed to compensate for the cold. So you have the opposite effect.

9 months ago

For heat, cool water helps on hands and forearms.

9 months ago


that actually works. Because in warm water the body does not have to apply energy to bring it to body temperature. This would then be counterproductive and let you sweat more.


9 months ago

Cool water on the skin

but room temperature for drinking

9 months ago

Yes actually helps.

9 months ago

Yeah, you better drink tea, you better taste.