Stimmt das oder nicht?

Wenn man kein Sport treibt stimmt es dann dass, das risiko erhöhter ist bestimmte krankheiten zubekommen? hab nämlich magersucht/mangelernährung und darf kein sport/bewegung und hab panische angst bestimmte krankheiten dann zubekommen wenn man garkein sport treibt aber darf kein treiben aber es fällt mir so schwer stimmt es das man davon bestimmte krankheiten bekommen kann?

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6 months ago

Don’t worry. It doesn’t affect you. Without sport, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are expected, which usually come with overweight. But if you’re already mad, you should give up sports and not take any more. That ends pretty quickly deadly!

6 months ago

You should not do sports right now because you are underweight and have malnutrition.

This has been answered by users in many questions for 2 months.

That’s why you should think about taking, rather than asking if you get diseases when you do keienn sports.

Mager addiction is a bad disease you already have.

So take care of it.

6 months ago

It hurts especially if you move too little. However, even very serious secondary diseases are threatened by malnutrition.

6 months ago
Reply to  lisaazz

Well, all in agreement with the doctors. You’ll be allowed to move.

Work on your lust, see that you get out of there and that you’ll be fit again.