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Warten auf Zug?
Ich warte gerade auf meinen Zug der erst in 2 Stunden kommt und bin Tod müde. Ich weiß nicht ob ich das schaffe und vor mir wo ich auf der Treppe sitze liegt ein Obdachloser der schläft ohne liegt auf der Treppe. Was kann man machen bis der Zug kommt.
So it should be, the ticket does not apply to payable trains.
There are no more “subject trains”.
A distinction is made between trains of local transport and long-distance transport, with a distinction being made between the categories “IC/EC” and “ICE”.
It is not possible (!) to use a long distance train with tickets for local transport with a surcharge or a surcharge.
From the government’s point of view, it’s best not otherwise for you to talk with RE through the German province
Even with regional trains you can travel long distances, it takes only longer and you need to change more frequently.
Matching connections can be found when you click on the selection “Nur Nahverkehr” in the DB travel destination.
The local network is even denser than the long-distance network. Because the local transport of the carriers to the long-distance traffic is. You need to change more often, you need longer.
…without ICE and IC, you’ll get to the destination more slowly, almost given with
the 9 Euro ticket.