Stimmt das?
Jemand meinte der Grund warum ich chronisch Müde bin, ist weil ich zu viel Kohlenhydrate esse, ich solle keine Kohlenhydrate mehr essen, und nur noch fleisch und eier oder sowas.
Aber hat diese Person recht? Ist nur Fleisch und Eier wirklich gesund? Wirkt ein bisschen Einseitig, anscheinend auch kein Gemüse laut dieser Person.
Würde ich dann fitter werden, nicht mehr Müde? Als ich gesagt habe er ist kein Arzt, hat er mich geblockt.
No, the person laughs garbage. You’d be even more tired if you wouldn’t avoid KH
Hello Destiny, 👋
Non-diabetics are NOT tired by KH.
From KH, however, diabetics become total 🥱müde,
if they are oversugared. So if the BZ
longer > 180-200 mg/dl or > 10-11,1 mmol/l
is. The higher the BZ by KH, the
tired 🥱 one gets …. that increases to
to hyperglycemic coma, if nothing
💉unternommen 💉 💉 becomes.
That’s bullshit!
What this incompetent person tells you
and recommended is total nonsense and so
a diet would be quite unhealthy!
No, vice versa!
What else to say…
So your chronic fatigue is different
Cause. The cause could be, for example, a
Hypothyroidism. Let yourself be angry
check through and necessarily also the
thyroid hormone (TSH, f3 + f4).
Let BZ 👉🩸 also measure.
LG 🙋🏻
~~ Daily calculation of all carbohydrates ~~
A healthy, balanced diet is definitely good. This also includes meat, but in dimensions. Carbs don’t get tired.
What is especially healthy for you or not, can only tell you a nutritional advisor after he checked you through.
Not everything that is considered healthy is equally good for everyone.
Right… non-diabetics are not tired by KH.
From KH, diabetics become totally 🥱müde when they are oversugared. So if the BZ is longer than 180-200 mg/dl or > 10-11,1 mmol/l.
The higher the BZ rises through KH, the tired one becomes …. this increases to the coma if nothing is done against hyperglycemia.
LG 🙋🏻
It is important to remember that a balanced diet that contains a variety of nutrients is usually best for general health and well-being. Only eating meat and eggs and dispensing with carbohydrates and vegetables can lead to a lack of important vitamins, minerals and fiber. Carbs are an important source of energy, especially for the brain and muscles. An extreme diet without medical supervision can lead to other health problems.
If you often feel tired, this can have many causes, including a lack of specific nutrients. A product like Better could help you support your immune system and reduce fatigue by providing you with high-quality vitamin C. In addition to a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, it can help you feel more fit and less tired. But don’t forget, it’s always a good idea to talk to a doctor or nutritionist if you want to drastically change your diet.
This man is absolutely right. Eat cheap chicken, turkey and eggs.