Stilrichtung gesucht?
Hey zusammen,
Hab soeben auf TikTok diverse Bilder gefunden welche mich enorm an die Wohnung (Bilder, Deko, Stoffe usw.) meines Vaters in den 1990 erinnert. Weis vielleicht jemand wie man diesen Stil oÄ nennt?
Danke für jede hilfreiche Antwort 🙂
The pictures belong to abstract painting. But there are also different styles and currents.
Here you can see pictures of different artists who have painted in this style.
I’d be interested. The pictures also remind me of my childhood 😁 am 92 he vintage. Unfortunately, I find only “Memphis Design” in the search that is similar but not the same. These are typical 90’s designs that are totally ugly from today’s point of view. Still. Maybe this style would never be defined?
I am a media designer and have somewhere a book from time to time about design I think this is mainly about the program Quarkxpress or Corel Draw. Maybe that would be an idea to determine the style. Design textbooks from time…
If you’re looking for Google, it’s just that retro bullshit.