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2 years ago

I don’t know, but it could be that the sticker is a proof of Märklin’s control. Then, however, there should be either a name sprocket or a control number. Interesting in the V 200 is the DB symbol. The first V200 was still provided with the letter “DEUTSCHE BUNDESBAHN” on delivery to the DB. The Märklin model of course also had the lettering in the first issue.

2 years ago

I know that members of model railway associations characterize their locomotives, etc. on the underside in color, so that they clearly recognize them as their own.

But in your case, it may not happen.

2 years ago

I would suspect that the stickers were subsequently attached to the label by a dealer or collector (state, price category, possession,…).

I can hardly imagine that the stickers were already “ab-worked” and they would probably look quite different today.