Stevia oder Saccharose oder …?
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Saccharose certainly not. Unless it comes to small parts in natural foods.
Allulose is probably the best alternative. Sucralose is also okay. The mixture of a small part of Stevia and Erythrit also comes quite close to household sugar. Is there already ready to buy mixed.
And how do I get allulose?
It is not so widespread in Germany. For example, you can order it via i-Herb to a US dealer based in the Netherlands.
Is obviously much more expensive than normal household sugar…
Xylit. Top for teeth.
However, everything is always a bit difficult when you should have intestinal problems.
And very controversial:
“In detail, the cardiologist has examined blood samples from more than 3,300 patients with cardiovascular problems during his research work.”
But then that is not a representative study for the general public?
And, unfortunately, not calorie-free. It has a similar effect as sugar, although in significantly weakened form.
For dogs, Xylit is poisonous. So nothing for people with dogs in the household.
If you haven’t had any of these problems, you get them.
I’m getting bad about it, so right with rupture – that’s why it’s pretty hard to find a tooth cream.
I prefer unhealthy. of which there are exactly three on the German market.
Unfortunately, what you’re saying is a complete joke. “Healthy participants” were certainly not.
Average age: over 60
of which hypertension patients: 70%
Prehistory cardiovascular: 75%
Prehistory coronary cardiovascular disease: 75%
Myocardial infarction: over 40%
Participants already took a bouquet of medicines:
Statine: 60%
Aspirin: around 75%
Antidiabetics: approx. 10%
ACE inhibitors: 50%
Calcium channel blocker: 19%
Diuretics: 20%
So speaking of “healthy” participants is far away from any reality.
Second problem of this study. Detections of blood platelets occur only in blood samples, i.e. in test tube or in animal studies, not in the human test person. This is then a good and important point and must be further explored. This study does nothing yet. Except Xylit does not cure old and sick and is not a magic remedy.
Erythrit was known to me as my uncle does not take sugar.
“Further examination studies the cardiovascular safety of xylitol are warranted.” Meaning: Be careful, do not consume it like normal sugar. But I’ll approve of gums. Didn’t you say that for the teeth.
The post only gives the study a shorter time. There were also healthy subjects. For this purpose, blood samples of more than 3,300 cardiovascular patients were first analyzed. These patients were then observed over a period of three years. During this period, patients with high xylite concentrations in the blood were significantly more frequent in strokes, so-called “cardial events” such as heart attack or death.
This relationship could subsequently be further cured: In laboratory tests as well as in tests with healthy study participants, it was found that xylit increases the reactivity of blood platelets, which promotes the formation of blood clots and thus can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Specifically, it was found that the risk for serious cardiac events at increased xylite levels in the blood was increased by 57 percent.
The study has now been published in the European Heart Journal:
Increased risk also related to erythrite
The best thing would be to get used to less sweet taste.
Stevia is also controversial (aside from the need for accusation):
the sweetness itself is neither unhealthy nor licker. I’m sorry, I’ve received my plant.
I find this difficult with the less sweet taste, especially since most tooth creams are also completely overseen.
If you buy a stevia plant, you can use the leaves directly.
very delicious. is called sweetheart.
in processed form stevia is not so incredibly healthy and then it tastes unpleasant after lacritze.
I use jaggery powder for baking. this is ground dried sugar cane juice. very intense in taste, so you need much less of it than if you take normal sugar.
sugar alcohols such as xylit, erithrite, sorbitol, mannit etc. I would rather not use in the household. there are often hypersensitivity and with slight overdose violent liquors heinrich.
we eat so much of these sugar alcohols every day that you should not work with them at home.
funfact: you need of these sugar alcohols in the usually less in grams than normal household sugar, but per hundred grams they have more calories.
What does the powder cost?
Neither stevia nor sucrose… Then no sugar
No sugar