Steuernachzahlung Taxfix?
Hallo, ich hab meine Steuererklärung letzen Monat mit Taxfix gemacht und es kam raus das ich etwas über 500€ zurück bekommen soll.
Alle angaben waren richtig wie immer und die letzen Jahre hat alles gepasst.
Eben bekomm ich die Mail das mein Bescheid fertig ist und ich knapp 400€ nach zahlen soll.
Wie kann sowas passieren? Wieso erkennt Taxfix das nicht von Anfang an?
This is only the calculation of taxfix based on your entered data. This does not mean that the calculation at the FA looks the same.
In which the specialist has deviated from your information from the tax office. Or you missed something. If you have the tax decision, you can read in the explanations whether or not your information has been deviated.
How do you have any experience?
… can answer?
It’s not relevant that you think you’re infallible.
Apparently, you shot a bump this time.
After preliminary calculation based on your input data. Simply put, this first works like a calculator. If the input values are not correct there, the result of the invoice cannot be correct.
Apparently not or they were incomplete. Maybe you forgot to indicate wage compensation.
Mostly because the tax office has more data that the taxpayer may have forgotten. All deviations to the declaration are included in the explanations for the communication.
You don’t really expect a professional tax advisor for 40 €, do you?
This actually only confirms my assumption that taxfix can do nothing other than Elster for free and wants money for it.
Taxfix calculates what you say. If you say something wrong, taxfix of course also gives you something wrong, namely your possible repayment.
had given me something wrong. Has been changed and my amount I get back is by 300€ more.
Possibly because indication
not true. In addition, the tax rulings refer to the extent to which the tax declaration has been deviated.