Steuern vorauszahlen?

Guten Abend ihr Lieben!

Ich mache mich aktuell neben meinem hauptsächlichen Angestelltenverhältnis als Physiotherapeut nebenher selbstständig (freiberuflich) – in geringem Maße.

Nun habe ich gerade den Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung ausgefüllt und frage mich, was mit der steuerlichen Vorauszahlung gemeint ist ? Soll ich wirklich Steuern VORAUSZAHLEN ehe ich Geld eingenommen habe ? Und ich kann ja absolut nicht abschätzen, wie viel ich einnehmen werde dieses Jahr…

Eine wichtige Frage ist auch, ob ich neben meinem Einkommen aus dem Angestelltenverhältnis von rund 51.000€/ Jahr (welches ja schon versteuert ist) noch einen steuerlichen Freibetrag habe ? Ich denke eher nicht, aber ich wäre über kompetente Rückmeldung sehr glücklich. 🙂

Vielen Dank! ☺️

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2 years ago

Now I have just completed the questionnaire for tax collection and I wonder what the tax advance payment meant?

With that you have a lot ahead of many;-)

What is meant by advance payments:
At the end of the year, all your incomes will be included (of course less advertising costs or operating expenses) as part of the income tax assessment and, after deduction of special expenses and exceptional charges, form your income to be taxed (zvE) and on that, the tariff is applied in accordance with §32a EStG. If you now have positive income from your freelance activity, this inevitably increases your zvE and thus your ESt to be paid. At some point (approximately) the wage tax is no longer sufficient and a repayment for you occurs. The advance payment should therefore secure the receipt of the ESt on the state side and on your side ensure that it does not end up too much “weh does”

Do I really want to make taxes before I took money?

Simply put, yes, you already do with the pay tax (only you get your salary in parallel)

And I absolutely can’t estimate how much I’m going to take this year…

This is how many people do, so you can (especially upward) adjust your advance payments at any time.
Less than 100€ in the quarter will not fix the FA anyway, so a small sum that seems realistic to you is not wrong.

An important question is whether, in addition to my income from the employee ratio of about 51,000€/year (which is already taxed), I still have a tax allowance ? I don’t think, but I’d be very happy about competent feedback. :

Do you mean the employee’s allowance or even the basic allowance?
The former are “legal” advertising costs everyone has, you get more advertising costs
Do you mean the basic amount? This is deducted from the zvE when calculating the tax.
But there is no free allowance, such as on the weight, for example, for non-self-employed work.

2 years ago


in advance you don’t have to pay taxes.

You should first say if the business is registered or not.

You always get help from the local IHK, which I recommend at least as a 1st point of contact.

If you have income as a trader, these are VAT payable. This VAT must be shown separately and deducted (you should ask if it is necessary to pay quarterly as usual!).
Since you make the business aside, the annual tax return is enough

in which you provide both all data from the payroll accounting (content and taxes) and all income from the concurrent business. In addition, of course, all expenses relating to occupation and secondary activity (including travel allowances, work room, work room, telephone etc.). The higher the expenses (also donations!) the lower the taxes.

Best regards from Leipzig

2 years ago
Reply to  Phlippi878

No matter what self-employment it is, you have to register it at the Commercial Office of the city/municipality. This costs a few euros – also pay attention to the name of the business! Uncritical is your own name (e.g. Physio Meier), which is needed for advertising and other recordings.

As I said – say before the IHK, because sometimes there are also local things that, if you do not keep them, become expensive (also insurance etc.)

2 years ago
Reply to  AlterLeipziger

in advance you don’t have to pay taxes.


2 years ago
Reply to  PatrickLassan

My answer was only to the GF! and not in general.
Since the GF has not yet generated income and the order of magnitude is not to be estimated, no advance payment should be required.
However, after the GF has submitted the estimates, the tax office must set this advance payment and name it extra.

‘3)1The Treasury shall determine the advance payments by advance payment decision.

2 years ago

No, it’s only coming next year.

You’re paying fat this year because it comes in untaxed and then you’ll appreciate your advance payments for the next year.

The totality of your income counts.

You already have 51k and now you do 10k with it, then you just have 61k and pay taxes.

You’re going to have to do a little bookkeeping, you’re going to have some money for it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Phlippi878

Of course write 0 there.

2 years ago
Reply to  78t29056

Prepayments on annual income tax may also be fixed on the basis of the data in the questionnaire for tax collection.