Steuern im Cryptobereich?

Ich habe mit 17 Jahren (also noch minderjährig) 5000€ in einem „Nebenjob“ verdient und diese nicht versteuert, weil ich damals noch nichts davon wusste, dass man sowas machen muss. Diese 5.000€ habe ich in Crypto-Währungen mit meinen 17 Jahren angelegt. Ich habe einen Glückstreffer gelandet und mit meinen heutigen 19 Jahren sind meine 5.000€ nun 2 Millionen € wert. Da Gewinne in Crypto nach einem Jahr Haltedauer Steuerfrei sind, würde ich mir diese jetzt auch auszahlen lassen. Könnte es mir aber jetzt passieren, dass ich danach gefragt werde, warum ich mit 17 Jahren schon so viel Geld hatte und mir im Zweifelsfall mein Crypto Gewinn abgenommen wird? Und / oder an wen kann ich mich jetzt wenden? VG

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1 year ago

At the age of 17, I earned 5,000€ in a “neighbouring job” and I didn’t tax it because I didn’t know at the time that you had to do that.

Then keep explaining the 5,000 € by spending the tax return 2021. If that was your only income, you’ll be below the basic amount for 2021 and therefore no tax will be charged, but the whole is taxed. Then no one can get you anything. The only thing that could happen to you at most would be to fix a delay supplement.

Your crypto profit is not controllable and does not have to be explained.

1 year ago

Since the holding period is over a year, revenue is not controllable, there is no obligation to declare.

So you don’t have to

1 year ago

There could, of course, be a little punishment because you haven’t taxed anything from your 5k.

But I see the much bigger problem elsewhere:

If you did all that with a foreigner or even our own broker, then it could be that he says, “Well, you were 17 and didn’t have the power to do that. We’ll give you the 5k you invested, but we’ll keep the profit.” If it is a German or at least EU broker, you have very good chances.

But a broker in America could be difficult.

A lot of success, with 19 owners of 2 million is proud! 😀 I had my first 2 million only with 24!

1 year ago

You have to redirect the 5,000. Whether the profits from the speculation with the cryptocurrency are tax-free and should remain a tax advisor and, if necessary, check whether a change in residence reduces the tax burden.

1 year ago
Reply to  f2nnn

That’s what the tax advisor can tell you. Probably (which is to be checked) the self-disclosure ensures impunity.

1 year ago
Reply to  HansWurst45

The profits are not controllable according to the information and therefore do not have to be taxed!