Steuern bei Krypto Gewinn?
Hallo alle zusammen,
ich habe mir die Frage gestellt, wie es mit Renditen und Steuern in der Krypto Welt aussieht. Wie hoch sind die Freibeträge? Wie würde es bei jemanden aussehen, der z.B in einem Minijob tätig ist und noch keine Steuern in Hinsicht auf das Einkommen zahlt? kann man das selbst beantragen oder sollte man sich einen Steuerberater suchen? Wie sieht es bei Daytrading aus?
Ich freue mich schon euere antworten zu lesen!
Danke 🙂
In the case of cryptocurrencies, as a private sale transaction, there is no free allowance, but only one Limit from 600 €, or from 2024, from 1000 €, provided that there is no more than 1 year between purchase and sale of the coins.
If this happens at a domestic institution, this capital income tax should be retained and deducted, with which tax has been deducted. You can set up an exemption order here to get the saver cash of € 1,000.
In the case of foreign institutes, you must specify the capital income in the tax return and are obliged to surrender the tax return, § 32d para. 3 pp. 1 and 3 EStG.
Depends on how the mini-job is taxed. If this is taxed on a flat-rate basis, the tax declaration shall remain outside. If, on the other hand, this is taxed individually, it must be indicated in the event of a declaration obligation.
Irrelevant. The tax of parents has nothing to do with the tax of children and vice versa.
Does this have a disadvantage in the child’s money and how it should be allowed to get to the tax office for the first time, since you don’t pay any fees yet
No. The child’s allowance is independent of the amount of the child’s income.
Income tax returns.
Thank you very much
If a taxable divestment iSd §23 EStG (private divestment business) is available, you are in the tax liability and must specify these incomes in your income tax statement. The amount of tax is determined by your personal tax rate.
A taxable sale is present, with a yield of over €1,000 (free limit) (up to 2023 it is €600) and a holding period of less than one year.
Profit or loss from a private sale business is according to § 23 para. 3 EStG is
It’s not right.
If taxable income is present § 46 EStG, so that a tax obligation exists only from a profit iSd § 23 EStG of over 410 €.
Otherwise, § 56 EStDV applies, more detailed is read